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How should Random word/phrase work in SER

@sven - How should the Random word/phrase option work in SER? According to my screenshot settings, shouldn't it be one main anchor and three random words?Random word/phrase


  • londonseolondonseo London, UK
    I believe your saying use between 3 to 3, so just adding 3 would behave same. (maybe this is not helping)?

    I see according to screen shot you are asking to use 3 additional links from Project.

    How to link - you are asking it to use a random word or phrase from the content posted.

    So I think this should give you your normal link and then 3 additionals from project totaling 4.

    Whats happening?

    I am not just just adding 3 behaves the same. It seems to be adding up to 3 links, that is why I did it that way (3-3).

    It is only giving one random word and the rest are the main anchor.
  • londonseolondonseo London, UK
    @sven - the random word/phrase does not work for me.

    The anchor text field is blank.

    The keywords field has one keyword.

    SER keeps using the keyword as anchor text for every additional link.

    Please take a look.

  • SvenSven
    This random option is only used when it is not finding any anchor in the article.
  • londonseolondonseo London, UK
    Sven said:
    This random option is only used when it is not finding any anchor in the article.

    Ok, can we have an option to use random words regardless of whether the anchor text is in the article?
  • SvenSven
    what use would that have other than negative SEO?
  • londonseolondonseo London, UK
    edited September 26
    Sven said:
    what use would that have other than negative SEO?

    It is not negative SEO.

    It can be used to dilute anchor text.

    There are many uses for this option.

    Currently, if the anchor text does not exist in the text, SER sticks the anchor anywhere on the page, which does not look natural.

    I would prefer an option where SER only places a link for words that exist on a page.

    Like if my anchor text only appears once on a page and I chose to add 10 additional links from project, SER will inject the anchor text 10 times into the page where it does not make sense reading it.

    I think I have asked for this feature before some years ago.

  • londonseolondonseo London, UK
    Thanks for adding this @Sven
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