★★★ Selling: XEvil VPS Server Rentals ★★★
XEvil VPS Server Rentals
What is XEvil?
XEvil — easy, fast and flexible tool for automatic recognition of most type of CAPTCHA's (included so hard captchas like Google ReCaptcha v.1 and v.2, Solve Media, Facebook-captcha, etc.).
Software Features
- The recognized CAPTCHA types: over 100,000+
- Sizes: Unlimited
- Fonts: Unlimited
- Language: Roman type, Cyrillic, digits
- Arithmetic: Supported
- Noise: Unlimited
- Distortions: Unlimited
- Support for reCAPTCHA solving
- Support for hCAPTCHA solving
- Support for FunCAPTCHA canvas or grid solving
Do you spend much on pay-as-you-go CAPTCHA solving service payment schemes? Making you spend more than $1,000+ USD a month? Well, CAPTCHAs.IO solved that problem for you by offering monthly package plans. However, sometimes developers and many savy end-users need more than just a monthly plan for CAPTCHA solving. Users needs more computing power dedicated for their sole use only. Problem solved again... With CAPTCHAs.IO Servers you get to rent your very own CAPTCHA solving VPS XEvil server. Dedicated for your CAPTCHA solving needs, none shared VPS servers.
The cost for one XEvil VPS server is $200 USD only, billed monthly... XEvil payment is already included, no need to pay for the software.
VPS Specification
- RAM: 16 GB
- Storage: 150 GB SSD
- Traffic: Unlimited
- Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
To Order
To order just simply submit a support ticket or message us at Telegram: @captchas_io
How much? Just $200 USD. So what you get.
[*] A VPS server with 8 vCORES CPU, 16 GB RAM, 150 GB SSD Storage, and Unlimited Traffic
[*] XEvil fully paid
We manage the server for you. To order look for us in Telegram @captchas_io and drop us a message.