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project status

can you please someone explain the function of the following choices in the project status so what will happened if i choose any of the following ?

active ( no submit  - validate only)
active ( no submit - validate emails only )
active ( submit with global site only )
active ( no submit search only )
active ( no submit - search and validate )
active  (remove links )
active ( re validate links)
active ( always ignore by scheduler)



  • cherubcherub
    1 - verify links that still need verifying
    2 - checks emails for links to click
    3 - use global site lists to submit only
    I've never used 4 & 5 so can't comment
    5 - remove/delete links from project where possible
    6 - reverifies existing verified links
    7 - I've never used
  • i had 183 link i clicked no (submit  - validate only)  and now thier is only 25 links from 183 where did they disappear ?

    for example i have 50 links waiting for verification ( shall i first click  ( no submit - validate emails only ) then i click ( no submit  - validate only))

    or how and when to use use

    Thank you

  • SvenSven
    You only need "Active" as status. The rest is for special purpose or debugging. All stages of activity is done when it is "Active".
    That yous ee less submitted is normal. Either they are now verified and then removed from submitted or they are removed as no link was verified for a long time and no chance is seen that this will happen any time soon. Another reason to remove from the submitted list is a try to place a link after account verification.
  • the first thing i did is i clicked the no submit  - validate only and a lot of links disappeared and this red sign appeared ( see photos)

  • SvenSven
    yes, normal behaviour as I wrote before. The red sign is pobably due to the fact that no links are build...just hover over with mouse to see details.
  • so what i only have to do is to keep it on active and the rest will be done automatically.

    when i built article links and their is a {waiting for verification} and then i stopped the project will they be still going to be verified 

  • SvenSven
    yes as SER is checking emails in intervals and if the correct email arrives, it will continue with account verification and link building.
  • Sven said:
    yes as SER is checking emails in intervals and if the correct email arrives, it will continue with account verification and link building.

    What about when i built article links and their is a {waiting for verification} and then i stopped the project will they be still going to be verified 
  • If you stop the project, SER will not know if a webmaster approves a comment or another type of {waiting for verification}. After some time trying, it gives up figuring it will never become verified and removes it.

    But if you don't have SER on active (ON) trying to verify the link which it does automatically, then SER would not know if the link becomes live or not so it can't verify it. 

    Likely ACTIVE and ACTIVE (V) are the status most useful at least IMO. Active being normal running mode handling all actions and
    Active (v) which is nice if you have a lot of submissions and want to try push submitteds to verifieds. It will also remove the non working ones that likely wont ever become verified.

    You can read more about here.  . .
  • If you stop the project, SER will not know if a webmaster approves a comment or another type of {waiting for verification}. After some time trying, it gives up figuring it will never become verified and removes it.

    But if you don't have SER on active (ON) trying to verify the link which it does automatically, then SER would not know if the link becomes live or not so it can't verify it. 

    Likely ACTIVE and ACTIVE (V) are the status most useful at least IMO. Active being normal running mode handling all actions and
    Active (v) which is nice if you have a lot of submissions and want to try push submitteds to verifieds. It will also remove the non working ones that likely wont ever become verified.

    You can read more about here.  . .

    Thank you for you clear answer i guess you mean Active (V) is  = (No submit - validate only ) 

    When do you advice to do Active (V) after few days so for example ?
  • No problem.
    When do you advice to do Active (V) after few days so for example ?

    Well, if I had a larger number of submitted's, I don't want to see them there and if they are likely not going to become verfieds then I will turn to Active(V). To try to remove junk and try see if any will get verified. 

    For me, it's more of a "house cleaning" activity really. I like to see my verifieds and not a large numbers of submitteds hanging around. I think as your verfied list becomes bigger you can use the global verfied list for new projects and this should be less of and issue (having large amounts of submitteds that may not become verified)  

    I use just randomly really, SER should be removing them after so many failed attempts anyways (depending on settings)

  • Im pretty sure thats right, I do mix some things up time to time  :D
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