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Articles filter filters nothing :(

Just noticed that the keyword filtering feature in Content Generator is not working. When you click on filter, it just shows the number of articles with that keyword, but it doesn't filter them in the list of articles (it doesn't leave only them). And this would be useful for reassigning article titles for a specific keyword (since Content Generator unfortunately still doesn't generate unique titles for articles via OpenAi, which would be great especially for articles in languages other than English).


  • SvenSven
    Can you show a screenshot where exactly you are?
  • I've taken a screenshot below. The task is as follows - I generate articles in Polish through OpenAI, but the titles to them are generated automatically using the program templates. Ideally, I would like the headers to be generated by the same OpenAI. But since there is no such function, I need to filter headings by key (so that, for example, articles about coffee are not mixed with articles about tea and I can insert many headings from the file for articles generated by 1 key).

    P.S. The header generation function via OpenAI is much needed. It will allow generating relevant headlines for an article in any language.

  • SvenSven
    Polish titles: There is a template file called %appdata%\GSA Content Generator\lang_data\??\titlegen.dat. This file is missing for Polish language as I don't speak that language to translate e.g. the English one. Maybe you can help on that part?
    The OpenAI should generate a title as well but often fails to get proper one and put it in the output reply as first line. Only then it will generate a new title using that file.
    Also I have checked the Search/Filter Article function and it worked fine for me. Make sure you are not using any of the other filters or it is within the range of them. Keep in mind that a word must match unless you use masks like *bad*.
  • Sorry, I didn't notice that they are selected (I thought that only them will be visible in an article list. It works.
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