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Impossible to import URL into Project data

Since updating to the latest version, I have not been able to import url into projects.

Url > Edit > Clear > Import from clipboard ( Import urls with no anchors and also include random http:// in front of each imported urls 

Url > Edit > Clear > Import From File > ( Import URLs with no anchors or sometime it imports only just 10 rows) 

Project selection screen 

Select all Projects > Import > import Url From File > ( Import URLs but if you save the projects, its impossible to save urls in any projects ) 


  • SvenSven
    Im sure it's the data you import. Please send it in private message to review.
  • Sometimes that will happen to me and also with other programs transferrring data can just be wrong in the clipboard or the last thing you copied and pasted. Have to double check - maybe paste into a notepad file, double check the format and then try importing from clipboard or from the file you just pasted to, then check again.
  • V17.94
    Imported a tier one list just now.. I even had some urls badly formatted in the imported list and was able to import the file, then check URL's and remove the bad ones.

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