already parsed
want to understand what this mean since i am getting consecutive amount of them like the following:
21:36:46: [-] already parsed -
21:36:46: [-] already parsed -
21:36:46: [-] already parsed -
21:36:46: [-] already parsed -
21:36:46: [-] already parsed -
i searched in the "remaining target url" list and these links are not there. so where are they parsed into? where to find it?
i searched in the "remaining target url" list and these links are not there. so where are they parsed into? where to find it?
is this correct?
Sometimes I run into this duplicating a project or in some cases and just clearing the cache like above will help me. Then I can import the urls back into project and get posting again.
It can also be your footprints are bringing back a lot of the same URL's so its saying "already scraped this before" and not adding which is good and normal. Now you dont end up with many duplicates.