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already parsed

want to understand what this mean since i am getting consecutive amount of them like the following:

21:36:46: [-] already parsed -
21:36:46: [-] already parsed -

i searched in the "remaining target url" list and these links are not there. so where are they parsed into? where to find it?


  • SvenSven
    The URLs are no longer in the target list ones you see that in the log. From where it pulled tham is hard to say...can be search engines, sites liked on other verified urls, site lists and so on. Depends on the settings you use to get sites from.
  • so ser pull from all these sources to form a target list, and from target list ser try to submit. if an url was submitted previously and is being pulled again to the target list, it shows "already parsed".

    is this correct?
  • If you feel its skipping sites you want to post to maybe try modify> delete target history then check "remove log message already parsed" and try again. Maybe want to keep account data option.

    Sometimes I run into this duplicating a project or in some cases and just clearing the cache like above will help me. Then I can import the urls back into project and get posting again. 

    It can also be your footprints are bringing back a lot of the same URL's so its saying "already scraped this before" and not adding which is good and normal. Now you dont end up with many duplicates.
  • i see, thanks for the clarification!
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