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issue about gsa ser and proxies

Hi, I'm new to GSA SER and having problems setting it up. I have GSA CB, 2Captcha, and GSA Proxy Scraper. I'm using both private and public proxies for everything except email and i selected only forum and blog comments for testing. I've encountered the following issues:

1.Using GSA Proxy Scraper in GSA SER: The proxies work in both SER and the proxy scraper when I test them. However, when I run the project, I often see [000/000] Page END or [000/000] Page 001. Sometimes it shows [000/014] or other numbers, but most are [000/000]. There are rarely any submissions, and no verification links. Why is that?

2. Using IPRoyal for Sticky IPs: I get a list of sticky IPs to import into SER. This gives me normal output with messages like PR score, engine match, submission, etc. However, it keeps running until all sticky IPs get banned, and then I need to get another list from IPRoyal. How can I avoid the bans? 

3. Using IPRoyal with Randomized IPs: When I use randomized IPs, they get banned instantly after a number of searches. I thought the randomized IP would use a different IP for each request sent. How could Google ban it if it's using different IPs?

Sorry for the basic questions; I'm new to all this. Please help! Thanks very much!


  • anyone?? really need help on this. How are you guys operating gsa ser? is my situation normal? how to fix this??
  • Well seems your missing the most important part if your good proxies are getting banned. Check the custom time to wait between quieries if using SER to search. Dont check private and public for everything either. Also the 20 percent for stop words if you use did you change to a custom list in correct language? Or are you searching with all those weird charactors from many languages? That looks pretty suspicious and botlike to me so I woud expect issues.
  • Well seems your missing the most important part if your good proxies are getting banned. Check the custom time to wait between quieries if using SER to search. Dont check private and public for everything either. Also the 20 percent for stop words if you use did you change to a custom list in correct language? Or are you searching with all those weird charactors from many languages? That looks pretty suspicious and botlike to me so I woud expect issues.
    thanks for reply. im really new to this

    i edited the stop word list and now its all English and i only use English search engines. i enabled the custom time to wait to 60s. Using only use private proxies to search and no proxy to submit. I am getting submissions and verifications now. thanks a lot man.

    now i have the following questions:

    i still get ban from many engines, below is part of the log: 

    i mean this is just at the start of the project and i am sending the first request to the search engines. the query looks ok so why am i banned? i ran through the whole log and see there are about 19 search engines that still ban me and the query looks fine. I dont understand. is there other factors affecting the ban?
  • Well I would not suggest no proxies for posting, you will  want good proxies for posting. If you select none there it will use your system or VPN I think over and over again. I dont think this is great. You run risk of making your ISP provided proxy in IP spam database's and that could cause problems. Defeats purpose of proxies and its logged everytime you post.

    I dont know about ip royal. I tried them but could get it to login to my acccount after I signed up. I talked to support to and for whatever reason it just wasnt worth all the aggrevation trying to get them to work for me. Are you getting banned because the proxies are in some strange GEO location and being blocked maybe?

    You are also using engines I never use to search so Im not really sure but maybe it location of proxy on engine not liking it?

    You have 94 search engine checked, I dont use more then like 3-7 max in SER since I am really trying to find URL's that are ranking and indexed in Google. Im not looking for emails or contact forms in English language. So maybe that way you may find more links but are the indexed in the search engine you are trying to rank in? 

    There are notes in the engines, but maybe try using Bing and then do a test against Bing first. If your proxies are banned on Bing in SER test then you have really shitty proxies. But you can check like that. 

    bing,yahoo,brave,4get are some I would try  :)
  • ok my private proxies are working on bing and the submission results looks good. 

    few more questions:

    i know 4get is a search engine, brave is a search engine, but what is 4get - brave? i see many search engines like this.

    what does [number1/number2] page number means? forexample:
    23:27:46: [ 001/013 ] [Page 001] results on MSN for Unknown Polish Directory with query "URL (" "Opis ma"
    does this means 1 out of 13 results on page1 get collected?

    also i dont understand these numbers 

    103/167 then 519/547 i dont understand. 

    thanks a lot for your detailed answer. Its helping a lot
  • Well 4get is clone of brave I believe so that might make sense. Its like like Chrome is Google chrome with ads but chromium is the engine behind which other people still use to make web browsers as its open source. So you look at the notes provided near engines and it will tell you which index it's likely using. Can be different engine but serving same/similar results.

    I believe the numbers you are talking about one is collecting search results and the other is importing links from lists and trying to work with them. Or you mean that the numbers change as it works with different tasks? So it may seem strange if you expect 1,2,3,4,5,6 all in order?

  • i dont understand both

    so [ 001/013 ] [Page 001] is collecting search results right? like 1 out of 13 search results was collected on page 1

    yes i was expect like 103/167 then 104/167 then 105/167, etc. how does 167 goes to 547, and how does 103 goes to 519? this is not clear for me. 

    also, why are the last three logs all 521/547 ??
  • well i tried using only 4get, bing, yahoo, google, and brave, and everything just went suuuuuper slow. maybe it is better to just get the verified list?
  • Its going to go super slow if your using SER to scrape targets. Especially if you trying to scrape Google. 

    Also you may have engines checked that are not so popular these days? 

    For the number you mean imports also? I dont know how you have your settings to answer great.

    TBH, most I know the sites I post to I scrape them to start. Then when I start a project I am just importing from sitelists and using verifieds (which I filter more) and then selecting certain engines I want. So import directly into project then I know I have a list I can post to 100 percent of and just setting how long I want to run for in settings is all I have to do.

    I agree youll have to get list somehow if your not willing to scrape them somehow and play with footprints then maybe best to by list I just dont have one I know of I have used thats good. Also quality Im sure goes up and down. 

    You said you found a list in another thread I think so problem solved?
  • yes its all good now! thanks for your help~

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