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[MINDSET] + mind refreshing visuals

B) NEED to focus and get more done in less time?

Try throwing on some headphones and listen to this -

If your into dark cyber punkish coding music try this -

If these don't tickle your fancy then maybe try this -

Last one is some "Mozart Effect" - I don't know what it was about this one or similar - but when I was coding and listening to this with headphones on things where just building themselves (almost) and problems were being solved quickly like some beautiful organized symphony.

I have learnt some inner peace and shift in mindset can be EXTREMELY helpful!

I would say MINDSET can not be overrated!

Now Some Mind Refreshing Visuals Randomly Gathered 

Anchor texts, buffer sites and tiers

(Yes-shared before)

Same but scaled up a bit


On Page SEO By SemRush

Some more visual examples and tips - though bit dated

Sales Funnels - The Secret Sauce 

How people make money at scale sometimes even by giving things away for free on front end!

Also good example if looking for promotions for your GSA marketing projects. Choose something the has proven to convert well. Not some old offer everyone has seen already that didn't convert with PPC at launch. Recurring revenue is always a plus. MRR = Monthly Recurring Revenue. This is also why someone my be willing to pay you $100 for a customer who just spent 20$. They know the LTV or Life Time Value of their customers which is more then they are paying you. They likely also know their ACV = Average Cart Value. Some of these have a SLO or Self Liquidating Offer so in simpler terms the money spent on ads is regained in the funnel which is then put back into ads to scale quicker.

Wondering About SEO Link-Loss?

There are many reasons for link loss and I'm willing to bet your goal is not to lose authority links from your backlink profile. This is natural though - things can and will just fall out of the index.

But there are some sites that SEO's know and love have some little caveat today that would require you to do a little more then just create profile drop link and call it a day. They need some finessing to keep alive longer or even get then in search index in the first place.

Example 1: which is a great place to make a nice list in your industry and get a link from. I believe its no follow but from good domain. I said authority link - so for example this site will not even show in search until you have a list rank of 20 which require the profile to be filled out and some contributions made first. This can be a good source of referral traffic to so long as you create a nice list.

Example 2: social type news sites like This is another that GSC picks up rather quickly. Yes there is a free version that let's you create 1 topic and add "scoops" to it. The caveat = I believe they make account private that has not had any action in 28 days. So technically to keep your links public you would need to post at least 1 a month. There is a bunch of sites very similar. which would require and extra step to keep your links.

Example 3: Good ole plugins like Akismet deleting your posts. 

Of course there are many more reasons and variables but here are a few I can think of that may save you some time and frustration.

Feel free to add comment and or tell me I'm a lunatic! :)
Thanked by 2Oscar Deeeeeeee


  • The multi-level strategy has worked, works and will always work (as long as Google takes it into account, of course), what makes my eyes hurt is when I see rough SEO strategies that abuse exact keywords as anchor text, something that is unnatural at all costs and I am glad that measures have been taken about it.

    Regarding Sales Funnels, I am more lost than Jack Sparrow in a liquor store. xD

  • I tend to agree about the anchor text. I don't think spiders need much help figuring out the main topic or matching search term of a webpage these days. Especially, when its mostly in the URL and h1 to begin with. 

    The tiered strategy also agree as those images are 10 years old and still working. The top images is a little aggressive on the tier side of things with anchor text, but after the "buffer" site. But I wonder how aggressive you can be with your anchors on your tiers before hitting if any and algo penalty? If even really matters?

    Ya know what hurts my eyes?
    When I analyze a domain and the anchors are EXACTLY 1/3 main anchor - 1/3 same generic anchor (click here for all)  and 1/3 naked link. That was the general advice post Penquin/Panda era. When I see it I  :D

    @oscar I have a ton of great content and frameworks about conversion optimization and sales funnels. Even some live examples. But mostly in the form of books/magazines great marketers have sold me -  ones so crafted in there skill somehow I end up with 3-4 copies of same one in different format after they explained in the material the people will buy the same stuff just packaged differently  :D
  • On the anchors I tend to use/like long tails, but taken from G autosuggest or another way to find descriptive anchors that a user would actually use when searching therefore they are super on point and pointing to helpful related documents. Here is example from MOZ.

  • I tend to agree about the anchor text. I don't think spiders need much help figuring out the main topic or matching search term of a webpage these days. Especially, when its mostly in the URL and h1 to begin with. 

    The tiered strategy also agree as those images are 10 years old and still working. The top images is a little aggressive on the tier side of things with anchor text, but after the "buffer" site. But I wonder how aggressive you can be with your anchors on your tiers before hitting if any and algo penalty? If even really matters?

    Ya know what hurts my eyes?
    When I analyze a domain and the anchors are EXACTLY 1/3 main anchor - 1/3 same generic anchor (click here for all)  and 1/3 naked link. That was the general advice post Penquin/Panda era. When I see it I  :D

    @oscar I have a ton of great content and frameworks about conversion optimization and sales funnels. Even some live examples. But mostly in the form of books/magazines great marketers have sold me -  ones so crafted in there skill somehow I end up with 3-4 copies of same one in different format after they explained in the material the people will buy the same stuff just packaged differently  :D

    I'm not a good salesman, to be honest. But I agree that there are people who fall for it again and again, especially in the world of SEO, courses, platforms, plugins, etc... :)
  • While I'm over there I'll grab and some more basic keyword visuals.



  • I'm not a good salesman, to be honest. But I agree that there are people who fall for it again and again, especially in the world of SEO, courses, platforms, plugins, etc... 

    @oscar Your right people use proven frameworks to sell even when they don't really have anything of "value" to sell. Marketing and book wise maybe I want the newer book because it comes as a boxset with another book you can't get anywhere else.  :D

    -Then again the info in the books is GOLD and I enjoy reading them, and giving away to friends interested on learning the topics.

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