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HTTP-Error 500 when sending a message

I'm testing sending messages to my site.
When searching, it says that the contact form was found, but when sending a message it says HTTP-Error 500 
What to do?

Link to page with form


  • yes
  • cherubcherub
    A 500 error is a non-specific server error, basically the contact form script did not execute correctly. If you're debugging with a script on your own site you should be able to see what data is being sent to the contact form - check it's what you're expecting.
  • the contact form on my website is not receiving messages
  • cherubcherub
    Yes, because it's not executing correctly, hence the 500 error. A 500 error is server-based, so is your issue to debug. Get your contact form script to dump whatever data it's receiving and maybe it can help you debug.
  • how to do it? are there instructions?

  • cherubcherub
    It sounds like you're best off speaking to your web developer.
  • SvenSven
    Why are you using SER to send to it and not GSA Website Contact?
    That 500 error can be anything really. I haven't checked that site but can you actually send via browser?
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