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added new PR simulation metric

an update has been released. What exactly does added new PR simulation metric mean?
Thanked by 1OMRON


  • yeah me too, @sven, can you elaborate on this ? 

    Also after update to 7.81 it still asks to update
  • It means there was a new service added to emulate "PR". Currently is default and using free Yandex. I have mine set for domdetailer which is paid, but I can use/see MozRank or/and other metrics. 

    Have you checked the "PR" emulation options in the program? Likely there is 1 more than before I would assume...
  • petpetpetvmpetpetpetvm United States
    Seem like he’s still working on it since I don’t see anything new except the option to log the api replies
  • SEORank_SemRushRank(sr_kw>400)  seems like new addition to me as last
    Thanked by 1petpetpetvm
  • I always wondered when SER was young what it would be like at v.20 for some reason
    Thanked by 1petpetpetvm
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