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How long it take to indexing?

I want to purchase indexing service. But I need to know about indexing time. Because I need instantly indexing service. Like indexing time in 1 to 10 minute max. If any one can help please let me know. Thanks


  • Like indexing time in 1 to 10 minute max

    I guess you need to travel back in time for this.

    Thanked by 2rifatreet27 Kaine
  • rifatreet27rifatreet27 Bangladesh
    Like indexing time in 1 to 10 minute max

    I guess you need to travel back in time for this.

    I can't understand. Just say how long it take to indexing?
  • That is like asking the forum "how long long am I going to live"

    No one can answer with 100 percent certainty.

    Instant indexing is thing off the past brother.

    There many factors that can affect this but I doubt you will be indexing anything useful in 1 minute. Maybe a news posting on popular site with correct schema and few tricks, maybe  ;)

    1. What are you trying to index, your website? and if so do you have access to any webmaster tools here with verified sites?

    2. Are you trying to index backlinks? and if so are they on decent sites with traffic that get crawled a lot, or if its a post is it unique content or spun garbage?

    3. Trying to build tiers and index those?

    The list goes on and the methods change. But if there is a way to run and unindexed list of random links through scrapebox 
    to see all indexed and then run list through "an indexing script/old indexing software" and then again run through scrapebox 1 minute later and see your links indexed, i dont know about it and well this is not how it works today, unfortunately.

    If want to try a service maybe see if SpeedyIndex bot is still giving a few test links and test that for accurate time frame, they update you as links get indexed over time in reports up to 10 days. If your sending decent content with your links there, its easy to get 80 percent plus in a few days I my experience.

    I do also have images of reports proving this. . . likely unless your building your own indexer, know some programming and some tricks, using a service like this is best option. And if price is issue SER handles the not sending already sent links from manager, can switch to only send indexable do-follow etc and they refund half unindexed links back to balance as credits. Maybe use to index links in some surgical-like fashion to save credits and not waste on useless stuff?

    Just My 2 cents, if I was a music rapper maybe Id have 50 cent more, or 48 cents :D
  • petpetpetvmpetpetpetvm United States
    Like indexing time in 1 to 10 minute max.
    I can do it for you, for $1/link, and will refund 50% of unindexed links.

    Jk, but these days, indexing is getting harder and takes longer since the internet is expanding hard, included the fact that many of us here are using gsa ser building spammy backlinks. LOL
  • petpetpetvm as well as normal content creators using AI to get 10X there normal stuff done, then your right, you have people creating content at scale just for backlinks using AI. The amount of documents that have to be crawled and rated today must be growing at an exponential rate.... Crazy fast!

    Thanked by 1petpetpetvm
  • KaineKaine
    Like indexing time in 1 to 10 minute max.
    I can do it for you, for $1/link, and will refund 50% of unindexed links.

    Jk, but these days, indexing is getting harder and takes longer since the internet is expanding hard, included the fact that many of us here are using gsa ser building spammy backlinks. LOL
    Scam, even once Google knows your urls it doesn't add them directly.
    Thanked by 1petpetpetvm
  • Kaine said:
    Like indexing time in 1 to 10 minute max.
    I can do it for you, for $1/link, and will refund 50% of unindexed links.

    Jk, but these days, indexing is getting harder and takes longer since the internet is expanding hard, included the fact that many of us here are using gsa ser building spammy backlinks. LOL
    Scam, even once Google knows your urls it doesn't add them directly.
    you have read the whole post? there are two letters, a slang, "Jk", which means he is joking.
    Thanked by 1petpetpetvm
  • Yeah, there is crawling and indexing, while closely related, crawling does not mean link will be added to index automatically.
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