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Problem with "No Duplicates" option

SaximSaxim Ukraine
edited May 29 in GSA Content Generator
I am having a problem with duplicate links in articles
I have 164 links, 164 anchors, and the number of articles I chose also 164, one link per article.
I chose the option ‘No duplicates’.
When I checked the published articles, I noticed a large number of duplicate links, out of 164 pieces 63 were not inserted in the article at all


  • SvenSven
    This option is PER article, not globally.
  • SaximSaxim Ukraine
    Thank you for your reply
    Is it possible to do this globally somehow?

    Sven said:
    This option is PER article, not globally.

  • SvenSven
    Sorry, as that would mean I have to keep track of every article generated what was inserted where. I suggest you to split up the project per link then.
  • SaximSaxim Ukraine
    Sven said:
    Sorry, as that would mean I have to keep track of every article generated what was inserted where. I suggest you to split up the project per link then.
    OK, Thank you
    Have a nice day
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