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link from apple, microsoft, reddit, ted etc

does any one know of the software than can build links from sites like apple, microsoft, reddit, ted etc ?


  • petpetpetvmpetpetpetvm United States
    Most of the tools are looking for the sites using the same theme/engine/format optimizing building backlinks on many sites as possible. It’s possible but not effective for software developers to write scripts on big brands’ websites since:
    - they update the website often, which may affect the script.
    - there is no other website using the same layout

    You can totally hire a dev to build custom scripts if you have like 100 money sites to build backlinks on
  • can you suggest something, where to look , or which software forum to look on
  • I can create a bot for you (Chromium-based). However, to be honest, I don't think I will be able to update it on time. I have my Reddit bot, but I have not compiled it to standalone yet, although I may in the future.

    If you don't have a lot of sites or if you really don't need it, it's not going to be worth it. What I found is that there is a 50/50 chance whether it’s going to index or not, no matter what you do, from sending indexers to tiered link building. Therefore, it’s not as powerful as many think.

    I own a decent autoblogging network from a similar market and do not connect or interlink anything to avoid footprints and ensure better safety. I could rank half of the blog network using default GSA SER engines while I create buffer sites manually and the rest with an addon, my own custom bot, and RankerX. All my content and link building are done with OpenAI, but I noticed my most success comes from manually building a few buffer sites and then building Tier 2 with default GSA engines.

    I find it very hard to get those web profiles indexed from RankerX, my bot, or even SERlib, etc. It’s not due to the software but the data we use with those tools. It’s impractical and nearly impossible to get high-quality fresh proxies, fingerprints, and datasets. I could easily index any web profile with Speedy Links, and after half a month, I see a lot of added keywords. If I stop doing it, it holds, and after a month, Google indexes all. But if I don’t use an indexer and build GSA backlinks with default engines like Drupal, WordPress comments, etc., the indexing ratio is almost zero to zero. However, after some time, I see improvement and increased immunity.

    What I wanted to tell you is, if you are using buffer sites or foundational links, try to do it yourself. A few handmade sites are going to last longer than bot-made ones. Never use an indexer (I only use Speedy Indexer as it’s the only one I trust and still use for specific cases) as they are not going to last longer. Use GSA SER with good content for your hard work Tier 1.
  • Kushphkt said:
    I can create a bot for you (Chromium-based). However, to be honest, I don't think I will be able to update it on time. I have my Reddit bot, but I have not compiled it to standalone yet, although I may in the future.

    If you don't have a lot of sites or if you really don't need it, it's not going to be worth it. What I found is that there is a 50/50 chance whether it’s going to index or not, no matter what you do, from sending indexers to tiered link building. Therefore, it’s not as powerful as many think.

    I own a decent autoblogging network from a similar market and do not connect or interlink anything to avoid footprints and ensure better safety. I could rank half of the blog network using default GSA SER engines while I create buffer sites manually and the rest with an addon, my own custom bot, and RankerX. All my content and link building are done with OpenAI, but I noticed my most success comes from manually building a few buffer sites and then building Tier 2 with default GSA engines.

    I find it very hard to get those web profiles indexed from RankerX, my bot, or even SERlib, etc. It’s not due to the software but the data we use with those tools. It’s impractical and nearly impossible to get high-quality fresh proxies, fingerprints, and datasets. I could easily index any web profile with Speedy Links, and after half a month, I see a lot of added keywords. If I stop doing it, it holds, and after a month, Google indexes all. But if I don’t use an indexer and build GSA backlinks with default engines like Drupal, WordPress comments, etc., the indexing ratio is almost zero to zero. However, after some time, I see improvement and increased immunity.

    What I wanted to tell you is, if you are using buffer sites or foundational links, try to do it yourself. A few handmade sites are going to last longer than bot-made ones. Never use an indexer (I only use Speedy Indexer as it’s the only one I trust and still use for specific cases) as they are not going to last longer. Use GSA SER with good content for your hard work Tier 1.
    manually building a few buffer sites and then building Tier 2 with default GSA engines

    thank you for such detailed reply

    which buffer sites do you create , your owned domains or, tumblr etc subdomains?
    how many do you create for a medium competition keyword with KEI 40 or so ?.

  • Speaking of bots there was software like 10 years ago that kept coming out looking very similar. It took me awhile to figure out and  I couldnt remember what the name of the platform was then yesterday I cam across it. BOT Chief I'm not suggesting it. But I was very surprised to see its still out and now the price is crazy especially for todays standards and whats available. Some of these tools that make bots well, its easier to learn to code on your own then learn these tools to make bots and way less restricting... at least for whats available now.

    high-quality fresh proxies, fingerprints, and datasets

     I guess it depends on the developer and what options they are providing for this stuff, also the user and what they are using. There's a rise of anti-detect browsers, fingerprinting databases, and users are responsible for the data. Should never be using default spintaxs/data in these software EVER really. Not sure I understand/agree here.

    what i have read on most bot forums is the problem with sending captcha to captcha solving  xevil or 2 captcha?. experienced bot makers can solve it easily.

    i will try bot chief, do you use botchief ?.
  • @backlinkaddict
    thanks for such detailed reply again

    Bas has free AI in it that creates code for you 
    do you mean bablosoft ?.

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