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Why GSA Verified List Web 2.0 Can Not Be Submitted

I bought verified list from 2 large websites and there are many lists but none of them can be submitted. Please kindly help!


  • OverOperationOverOperation Hong Kong
    can anyone help me with the question?
  • SvenSven
    Did you copy these to the correct folder and have enabled site lists in the project and globally?
    Also if you did, please paste some log lines (use
  • OverOperationOverOperation Hong Kong
    Sven said:
    Did you copy these to the correct folder and have enabled site lists in the project and globally?
    Also if you did, please paste some log lines (use
    Yes, sir, I did set the verified and identified list enable both globally and on each project. Please see below

    and I have bought the Recapatcha 2  and set up.

    Please see the log:

  • OverOperationOverOperation Hong Kong
    Sven said:
    Did you copy these to the correct folder and have enabled site lists in the project and globally?
    Also if you did, please paste some log lines (use
    Yes, sir, I did set the verified and identified list enable both globally and on each project. Please see below

    and I have bought the Recapatcha 2  and set up.

    Please see the log:

    2024-05-23 02:02: No targets to post to (Posts per account: 500, Accounts per site: 500, Minutes to wait for first post: 0-5, Minutes to wait for next post: 0-10, Minutes to wait for next signup: 0-10)
  • SvenSven
    You don't seem to have an API for SerLib installed that would allow you to submit to some of the sites.

  • This is a point I tried to make earlier. . .

    You don't have any add-ons in your engine pane installed, so you will not be posting new content to those sites in default SER.

    Why people are still buying/scraping other peoples "add-on backlinks" and then trying to post to them, IDK?

    You need advanced scripts in Chromium to post to these sites which is not in SER by default, also some of these default engines are just not popular as they once were so likely you want find a ton of targets for some.

    I can see a few you outlined that there is no way you getting links on those engines.

    The problem is people scraping and selling this shit still, you would think someone who is selling verified lists and used the program for a short time (for link building) would know how to find these verified link lists (but apparently not) :/

    Starting to think - I must be from another multiverse or something . . . :D

    Source your targets by platform from wapalyzer or builtwith. They already have all platforms still online in reports with metrics.
  • OverOperationOverOperation Hong Kong
    Sven said:
    You don't seem to have an API for SerLib installed that would allow you to submit to some of the sites.
    My questoin is not about that.

    For SerLib, I have bought in another VPS and running good.

    Please carefully review my photos and advise why my verified web 2.0 pages can not be posted
  • OverOperationOverOperation Hong Kong

    This is a point I tried to make earlier. . .

    You don't have any add-ons in your engine pane installed, so you will not be posting new content to those sites in default SER.

    Why people are still buying/scraping other peoples "add-on backlinks" and then trying to post to them, IDK?

    You need advanced scripts in Chromium to post to these sites which is not in SER by default, also some of these default engines are just not popular as they once were so likely you want find a ton of targets for some.

    I can see a few you outlined that there is no way you getting links on those engines.

    The problem is people scraping and selling this shit still, you would think someone who is selling verified lists and used the program for a short time (for link building) would know how to find these verified link lists (but apparently not) :/

    Starting to think - I must be from another multiverse or something . . . :D

    Source your targets by platform from wapalyzer or builtwith. They already have all platforms still online in reports with metrics.
    Thank you bro,

    Can you please give me a detailed instruction regarding how to do this.

    my status is I bought some verified list for web 2.0 and wiki, but I can not use GSA SER to post them.

    Some people said it is because the Recaptcha V2 V3 problem that make me failed to post web 2.0, and please advise the points your find and I will do it to post my web 2.0 and wikii in GSA successfully.

    Thank you very much!
     I am new in GSA and I need your help!

  • To be honest Im kinda confused what your expecting?

    Is there some confusion about the "web 2.0" engines, (SER vs Add-0ns) like your trying to click "web 2.0 engines" in SER window and expecting it to post to other "web 2.0" engines which require the scripts to post to which you don't have installed in your image?

    Whether they are verified or not, no matter how you add them, you will not be posting to those urls from the way your images are set up. I think @sven was correct with API, if you have it running fine on another server whats issue, its not running here because we would be able to see them in your images the engines or scripts needed to post to those engines.

    To me it seems maybe you need another serlib license for "this" machine. . .

    I still think you are confusing the "web 2.0" engines in SER which have not been updating it seems since 2022. With the "web 2.0" engines from the add-on, and trying to use to post to a list you purchased.

    I'm not really following completely.

    Maybe its not obvious but you cant create web 2.0 blogs with serlib, and then continue to post to them without the addon on another machine. Or purchase them in a list and post to other peoples scraped links related to paid add-on engines???
  • 9tRider9tRider New wark

    According to his screenshot, while he is feeding the identified and verified folders according to project options, at the same time he allows writing to the same verified and identified folders. I wonder why you or @Sven didn't talk about that part.

    As far as I understand, you should not use the same folder to feed (import the link list) and write.

    I am currently importing my lists to all the folders, including custom, failed, identified, etc., and leaving them unchecked to avoid writing, and I checked writing on the verified folder where GSA SER writes my own verified links.

    But according to this guy's screenshot, the instructions are quite different. Can you elaborate on this? 
  • 9tRider If you are addressing me or @sven its unclear, elaborate on what?

    I agree, Ive said many times I believe its not great idea to buy a list ( likely is identifieds) and then introduce it to your verified folder if you have a great verified DB to begin as well as configured correctly. This is what Ive seen some list providers suggest. l believe likely all that would do is ruin your verified DB for most.(gumming it up with garbarge) At least for me, I like mine clean and nothing in verfieds, but true verifieds. (there has been some recent confusion about what a "true" verfied link is for SER is.)

    I understand there many configurations to use lists. But I'm more familiar with scripting and add-ons then importing random lists from random sellers into random folders, TBH. I guess I didnt study his image to the degree you did, I just noticed he doesnt have the scripts installed to post to the sites to begin with. (which I assumed was he question and issue)

    I guess the point is from what I see (from image) it appears he is trying to post to these and failing.... which he will not be posting to without an add-on or the scripts that go with these URLs. And since I see no custom scripting engines or any known addon engines in his image I can only assume this is why. He can enable or change anything he wishes, but without the actual scripts and and "ownership" of these sites in the sitelist below here. . .

    How will he post to them?

    On the sitelist side of things, Why people are scraping/buying these links, I still can't answer. Without the account data in SER for each url above in the engines folders you will not be posting to them anyways. You need to have created them and the scripts to add posts to them, by default settings SER cannot.

    I wonder why you or <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Link:">@Sven</a> didn't talk about that part.
    I wonder why you say this, maybe its not related to my workflow or maybe there is some secret you know that's I'm unaware of. . . if so please share :)

    I don't know everyone's use case and workflow for SER nor do a claim too. I pitch in when I see someone stumped on something I have has similar issue or experience with, or sometimes mention some things that can be helpful for problem solving/brainstorming the issue.
  • 9tRider9tRider New wark
    9tRider If you are addressing me or @sven its unclear, elaborate on what?

    I agree, Ive said many times I believe its not great idea to buy a list ( likely is identifieds) and then introduce it to your verified folder if you have a great verified DB to begin as well as configured correctly. This is what Ive seen some list providers suggest. l believe likely all that would do is ruin your verified DB for most.(gumming it up with garbarge) At least for me, I like mine clean and nothing in verfieds, but true verifieds. (there has been some recent confusion about what a "true" verfied link is for SER is.)

    I understand there many configurations to use lists. But I'm more familiar with scripting and add-ons then importing random lists from random sellers into random folders, TBH. I guess I didnt study his image to the degree you did, I just noticed he doesnt have the scripts installed to post to the sites to begin with. (which I assumed was he question and issue)

    I guess the point is from what I see (from image) it appears he is trying to post to these and failing.... which he will not be posting to without an add-on or the scripts that go with these URLs. And since I see no custom scripting engines or any known addon engines in his image I can only assume this is why. He can enable or change anything he wishes, but without the actual scripts and and "ownership" of these sites in the sitelist below here. . .

    How will he post to them?

    On the sitelist side of things, Why people are scraping/buying these links, I still can't answer. Without the account data in SER for each url above in the engines folders you will not be posting to them anyways. You need to have created them and the scripts to add posts to them, by default settings SER cannot.

    I wonder why you or <a rel="nofollow" href="">@Sven</a> didn't talk about that part.
    I wonder why you say this, maybe its not related to my workflow or maybe there is some secret you know that's I'm unaware of. . . if so please share :)

    I don't know everyone's use case and workflow for SER nor do a claim too. I pitch in when I see someone stumped on something I have has similar issue or experience with, or sometimes mention some things that can be helpful for problem solving/brainstorming the issue.
    @backlinkaddict I don't understand most of what you are saying. English is my second or maybe third language. Generally, I can understand, but most of your comments are too complex and contain many unrelated things that always mislead me. It would be great if you could use simple English, if possible. It would be more valuable to non-natives like me. Or at least include screenshots when you say something, as that would make your answers more valuable.

    Once again, I don't understand what you mean by "secret" or what you want me to share.

    Since you are a team member, you definitely know more about the software than I do. From my readings and experience, we should not write to the same folder where we feed. However, while he imports his verified list to the verified folder, he writes to it at the same time, which may cause unnecessary rewrites to the list.

    What I do is always import lists, no matter what lists, to any folder except the verified folder. Then, I enable writing in the verified folder and let it write verified entries, which keeps it clean.

    Is that a secret? I don't get part.

    I also don't think those web2.0s are from a link list. It's mostly from web2.0s addon like serengines or lib and since the user use the same folder to feed and write it still there which is worthless. There is no point to use feed those web2.0s as they are engine based.and.self 

    Translated done by llma.pardon if confusions 
  • I don't have time for tutorial right now nor did I know you dont speak english.

    Pretty sure I make more screenshots here then most, there is even one in the comment above?

    I mean he's got engines that dont work check of and then trying to post to add-on links without the add-on???? Whether they are his blogs/profiles or scraped and added to list, I dont know.

    Also why I do help around with support, I am not a mod here or on GSA "team". I am user like you just sharing experiences with people asking for help.

    Main point if those types of links are in your verfied list Database you are not working with a verified list!

    Also, there are many ways to filter them from the get go no matter how you are creating a list for SER so they should not end up anyways, they should never even be indentified as SER friendly URL really. 
    Thanked by 19tRider
  • 9tRider9tRider New wark

    Also why I do help around with support, I am not a mod here or on GSA "team". I am user like you just sharing experiences with people asking for help
    Wow thats crazy. I thought you are from the team as you are the only one whole mostly comment. I used to do multiple translate your posts 

    As long as we write into fresh folder there should not have any issues.

  • 9tRider  knowing now that their are more people translating posts from other languages, I will try to use more straightforward English. As I understand, English is pretty hard if its not first language. I have seen in some editors when writing content with content grading plugins, it usually says that I'm writing at college level and would be better to write at 8th grade level so more people can understand, so I'm sorry about that. I will try to be more mindful moving forward.

    I mean just talking with group SEO's speaking all English on live call can be confusing, so I can see some issues here now with communication. I assume the username 9trider new wark maybe you were some guy from New Jersey who likes motorcycles  :D 

    I think sometimes if I'm on the go with laptop without mouse, my "mouse pad" will do some funny things like rearrange sentence, or delete if my thumb hits while I'm typing, so likely that's not helping either.

    As long as we write into fresh folder there should not have any issues.

    I agree, about the folders and think that that's why the extra custom folder was added. Your explanation of basic folder operation is similar to how I understand it. People use them all kinds of ways though, for example the failed folder I've known people who use it for other purposes while originally I think it's there for debugging.  However the guy above, his main issues are what sven said about API and what he's expecting from "web 2.0" links in general. I think that is the biggest issue to sort out first. He's checking off web 2.0 in engine pane which has access to a few web 2.0 scripts that would need updating to work. Then he is asking why he cant post to links that SER by default cannot post to and confusing web 2.0 group with web 2.0 in general it seems . . .

    Anyways.. enjoy your weekend! :)

  • I think also we are talking from/about 2 separately, but closely related threads.
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