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Tons of links submitting, but almost none verified.

JulJul Latvia
Hi everyone! I've been using GSA SER for the past few months and the start was great, but for the past week I have ran in a serious issue and I can't figure out what to do.

Basically every project I run, I see the submitted links go trough the roof, but almost none are verified (I have attached a image)

The issue started when I did some mods to my SER setup. I changed the site list to serverifiedlists and switched to XEvil). I have tried everything - changing proxies, emails, link lists, captcha breaker but none of these changes solve this issues. I even switched to my previous set up, but to no good result.

I have contacted support teams of some providers, but these IT guys take forever to respond. Since I am very fast person, I can't wait for them so I decided to take things in my own hands in hope to solve this issue faster.

Since I am not any IT guru, I can't figure out whats wrong, so thats why I am here, hoping you guys can help me solve this problem. Any advice will be much appriciated.



  • sounds like a list problem... what type's of backlinks you submitting?
  • JulJul Latvia
    sounds like a list problem... what type's of backlinks you submitting?
    These are the types I am submitting. The list I am using is . I have heard a good reviews about it so I gave it a try. Now I am starting to think that it might be proxys or emails. Can those two factors be the cause of this problem? 

    If you think it is the list, maybe you can suggest some alternatives.
  • meikedejong38meikedejong38 Netherlands
    edited May 13
    I am facing the same issues with I think their list is not working again.
  • meikedejong38meikedejong38 Netherlands
    edited May 13
    I am using 10 mails per project and i am using residential proxies... At times i get like 5 verifications..
  • JulJul Latvia
    The supprot of serverifiedlists are slow as hell and they give no solutions. I also think that it got to be the list.

    By the way. Can you suggest some emails to use in GSA SER
    I am using 10 mails per project and i am using residential proxies... At times i get like 5 verifications..

  • Wow, that's completely unacceptable for results!

    You guys don't see any helpful errors in the main "log" on bottom?

    How about if you open on advanced when its running and check on "debug" ? There you can see step by step what SER is doing....?

    TBH, you have to look at some of these websites that sell lists. Scraping list involves a constant updated and evolving skill set. If the website has images and videos from 2015 and the videos are boosting about rss, url shortners and redirect links (which are default SER engines) you must think how good can this list be?

    Of coarse emails and proxies will be needed, but not as much as if you were scraping list yourself from SER. Still needed just dont matter as much so to speak.
  • JulJul Latvia
    Wow, that's completely unacceptable for results!

    You guys don't see any helpful errors in the main "log" on bottom?

    How about if you open on advanced when its running and check on "debug" ? There you can see step by step what SER is doing....?

    TBH, you have to look at some of these websites that sell lists. Scraping list involves a constant updated and evolving skill set. If the website has images and videos from 2015 and the videos are boosting about rss, url shortners and redirect links (which are default SER engines) you must think how good can this list be?

    Of coarse emails and proxies will be needed, but not as much as if you were scraping list yourself from SER. Still needed just dont matter as much so to speak.
    When you said things about the lists and the age of tutorials, it all makes sense. Ill check more about site lists and if I come across something good, I will post it on this forum.

    I haven't seen any major error's in logs. I haven't checked the debug feature, hopefully there I'll find the solution.

    Maybe you can suggest some proxies and emails. Currently I am using rayobyte proxies and soundseo email's. If you have better alternatives then let me know.
  • JulJul Latvia
    @backlinkaddict , I checked the debug and most of the files are in grey color, first time in debug so I don't really know what to look for, maybe you can help.
  • edited May 15
    Jul  well it appears that your log looks ok. The grey which I first assumed long ago was bad, its actually good meaning its finding forms, filling them and downloading the URL to work with and move to next "step" (just download). . . The green message is pretty self explanatory like the login success or registration success or extra submission etc.

    Its the red and the pink you don't want to see really.... the red is usually a fail and if your scraping for targets you'll see pink and "proxy maybe banned on query" for example.

    There is tons of useful tools hidden in there too (as with all GSA gear!) I think maybe right click and/or tools button. You cant view html, try relogin and submit, test out extract commands, hovering over and see all the steps happening in background like things being set or send with headers to I believe. Advanced stuff.

    Likely, though if something is wrong you will be able to tell back here in debug. Also, when you run it for awhile its saving the html files for debugging later, maybe good idea to clear that cache once in awhile (think there is delete debug files right near debug button).

    For emails I heard that name once and I think it was a complaint from the mods here. I use my own catchalls, use some random "free" ones or use catchalls from which updated site and seems to be this now now. I guess this makes more sense since they sell emails for many softwares (not just gsa). If need help the support was great for me so maybe look there?

    If I missed something or need some more help lmk ;)

  • JulJul Latvia
    @backlinkaddict Thanks mate for the reply. I will try to change things up mainly link list and maybe proxies, because I have this error in logs often - download failed (PROXY:, SOCK: Connection refused). Maybe you can comment/explain what does it mean

    Also got to wait for next XEvil 5.0 update since it has some errors.

    Gonna try emails you suggested.
  • I think maybe the programmer would know more, but usually its refusing the sock connection and wont let you post the data with the socks proxy connection there. There are ways to change things on your machine in "network" but I'm sure process is different on depending on what your trying to access and from where, as well as your skill level. 

    Maybe leave it alone?
    I dont dig to much into this specific issue related to SER because its not really an issue for me.
    Thanked by 1Jul
  • If it's submitted, then it means GSA SER identified those links, successfully registered them, and is waiting for live links, which are your backlinks. 

    If the submitted links are higher and there is no verification, it means either your content is junk, or the dataset you are trying to post is flagged. This happens a lot with WordPress articles where webmasters have installed Akismet or similar tools. Try using clean data, like very good proxies with vast subnets, and good content like GPT-4. Most importantly, never try to post a single post to multiple accounts. I own a purifier company where I offer services for specific states in the USA, and I use two list providers at a time. I am pleased with the results. If you want a ton of verified links, which I don't recommend, go for normal general link list providers where they offer auto-approve lists. Mostly, those sites accept any junk, and keep in mind they are very hard to get indexed. 

    I am using SERLinks and GSALinklists from Alitab. While SERLinks offers decent links and fast indexing, I only get a few links at a time because their link list is small, but quality-wise, I like them. At the same time, I use GSALinklist from Alitab, which has a lot of verifications and the list is quite big but very low indexing and most are junk engines. I tried SER verified lists a few months ago, and it had similar quality to choose for your needs. If you want a lot of verified links and don't care about the quality, and use them for lower tiers, go with serpgrow. (Make sure to use them on lower tiers as they don't check for quality)

    I would be more concerned with the quality of the dataset you are using as you are focusing on verified links. Mainly, it's due to junk projects.
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