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Email to and provide name/serial as reference has no support

"I was unable to activate your license automatically online. Please request an activation code from and provide name/serial as reference."
Dear All,
I bought GSA packs, follow your Apps instructions to send a request and 3 days ago. I have no thing to fix from from your Apps. (This email:


  • SvenSven
    You really want to continue this on the forum as well now? We have exchanged a lot of emails already. Let me get this to you here as well now!
    1. Your licenses have been deactivated as you used them on more than one system at a time.
    2. I warned you that this will happen and you don't seem to care so I had to take action.
    All your emails to me never actually explained why and also never added anything to this...all I hear from you is a message such as above. If I really should give you a chance, you need to add some words to this incident and not go over it as if nothing has happened. All your emails ignore what I write to you, just as you never read them, but I see you do as I see my reply in your attachments.
  • Dear All,
    I'm a client, I Bought a pack of GSA but a half of them still not work. I not a programming company, I follow a guides of a software: sent request to I can not get a message from 
  • SvenSven
    Even though you didn't get any of my emails (which is wrong as I saw it in the back log), you could have responded to the message I left for your complains here. But again, you continue this game here as well. No regret, no nothing!
    Again, YOUR LICENSE WAS DEACTIVATED FOR A GOOD REASON! Unless you don't want to get it reactivated, you need to explain yourself and finally stop abusing it before I even think of reactivating it!
  • Dear All,
    I need another person to fix my software problems. This is  Company that I buy software pack  and 3/5 products is not work .  
  • SvenSven
    They don't work for a good reason! Finally read my messages!
  • Dear All,
    Today 3/5 software still not work. How a company sold products help the client to fix problems? 
  • SvenSven
    edited May 7
    Seriously, how to not get mad at this! He complains without reading my messages! NONE! Maybe someone can try explaining him with other words!? I think his first language is Vietnamese.
  • SvenSven
    thanks @backlinkaddict but I don't think this will solve the problem. No packs get sold no.
  • Dear GSA Company,
    I bought a GSA package 5 packages. Today 03/05 still not work. I'm a client , i need buy working prgram. That is enough.
    I create this Topic for everyone to know. How about programing company work. How about they support and a comment to show how about man.
    Thanks All,
    P/S Up Today 03/05 programs still not work. Belong to your place, you can do anything but Everyone know only know one thing: You company still not support your client. 03/5 programs are not work.
    Everyone! Please keep this history to help the Others.
    Thanks and Best regards!

  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions

    Tôi không nghĩ bạn hiểu vấn đề là tại sao nhà phát triển phần mềm không muốn kích hoạt giấy phép của bạn. Lý do là bạn đang sử dụng nhiều lượt cài đặt hơn mức bạn có giấy phép. Nếu bạn có năm giấy phép, điều đó có nghĩa là bạn chỉ có thể sử dụng năm lượt cài đặt phần mềm GSA. Tốt hơn hết là bạn chỉ cần xin lỗi và sau đó có thể anh ấy sẽ kích hoạt lại giấy phép cho bạn.
  • SvenSven
    Thanks @royalmice ... lets hope he finally understands what this is all about!
    Thanked by 1royalmice
  • Dear All,
    Up to Day,
    Nothing has been done to solve the software's problem. I bought a package (5 products) and only 2 programs still run, one program start/stop several times to run

    In my opinion, I find out somes weaks of this case:
    1. Without good customer relationships system automatic (I sent a request ; follow the system guides but no answer from this ). Maybe they do not want "win - win" together.

    2. Some Skills of programming team --> A software inform an updates but no answer a problem by the message in this software.
    After I used an updates for 5 products; 3/5 program were not work --> I follow their Apps guide to send a text message, but no answer. I must copy a text and sent email to and got another email reply to me. They seem like to talk mores and more..
    Thanks and best regards.
  • SvenSven
    OK, it's not a language problem with you @LANVUTRANNGOC since @royalmice explained it very well (yes I can use translators).
    Nothing will move forward in this case without you explaining your license abuse and a statement from you to not abuse it again!
  • I bought a package 5 products from GSA and they do not work (3 products) until now.

    Follow Apps guides and Nothing happened.

  • SvenSven
    I know your problem already. This is the result of the license having been deactivated! You will not get an activation code from me before you finally explain your abuse!
  • Dear All,
    I only know my GSA pack still not work (3/5 product). I buy 5 products at the same time.
    Do not tell me the reason why from your software does not work.
     I'm a client buy software only and not is programming company.
    I do not know only 02 products after updating. The rest software were not work until now.  Please make all software work again or Refund Do not explain belong to a program company.
  • SvenSven
    So you refuse to take responsibility for the abuse? Because your action lead to the deactivated the license, you made us do this!
  • Dear All,
    I have purchased 5 lifetime software products a the same time.
    After the latest software update. 03/05 are not works.
    - 02 software not responding. (Follow guides in sofwares)
    - 01 software sometimes running sometimes not
    As of now there is no feedback on the software. Even though I sent feedback according to the instructions on the software.
    I just announced that. Any department that supports it will do it without saying much.
    Thanks and best regards
  • SvenSven
    I am saying as much as I's you who is not listing. Your licenses will never work unless you finally give me an OK to the following:
    1. You stop abusing the license and use it correctly from now on (one system at a time)
    2. If you abuse it again, all your licenses get deactivated.

    If you agree to the two points above, we can talk about a reactivation! Everything else is a waste of time!
  • LOL sorry @Sven but I am crying with laughter. Come back to the forum for the first time in ages and walk into this. 

    @LANVUTRANNGOC I can fix this problem for you. When you launch the program, you have to say the following magic words: "Google is King". Be sure to speak the words one at a time and clearly.

    Please try this 20 times and let me know when it works. Thanks
  • ---Have a nice day---
    I bought five lifetime softwares at the same time.
    I open Software Update and after  that 03/05 are not work.
    - 02 software not responding. (Follow guides in sofwares)
    - 01 software sometimes running sometimes not

    As of now there is no feedback on the software. Even though I sent feedback according to the instructions on the software.
    I just announced that. Any department that supports it will do it without saying much.
    Thanks and best regards.
  • Dear All,
    ---Have a nice weekend---
    I bought five software with Lifetime licenses at the same time.
    I opened Software Update and 03/05 are not work.
    - 02 software not responding. (Follow guides in Sofware's)
    - 01 software sometimes running sometimes not
    As of now there is no feedback on the software. Even though I sent feedback according to the instructions on the software.
    I just announced that. Any department that supports it will do it without saying much.
    Thanks and best regards.
  • SvenSven
    You received a feedback! Just that you don't want to read it or understand or even reply to it!
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    This has to be a troll or a robot, right? Why are they just repeating the same thing over and over without acknowledging Sven's response? lol, very odd. 
  • SvenSven
    IT can't be a language barrier either as @royalmice helped here as well. Im really lost.
  • Dear All,
    ---Have a nice weekend---
    Have you sent an email request to for support by Apps?
    I bought five software with Lifetime licenses at the same time.
    I opened Software Update and 03/05 are not work.
    - 02 software not responding. (Follow guides in Sofware's)
    - 01 software sometimes running sometimes not.
    Thanks and best regards.
  • cherubcherub
    This is the definition of insanity.
    Thanked by 1s4nt0s
  • Dear All,
    ---Have a nice weekend---
    I paid a package of 5 lifetime license software. But now only 2/5 till working. I 've informed a long time but it did not happen.
    3/5 programs we're not work
    Thanks and best regards.
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
  • 2024-05-31
    Dear All,
    ---Have a nice weekend---
    I paid a package of 5 lifetime license software. But now only 2/5 till working
    Thanks and best regards.

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