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What indexing service do you recommend?

As title.
Also, is BacklinksIndexer trusted? I see on their page at $17/month membership. Is it for unlimited links to be indexed?


  • KaineKaine
    We are the only ones to offer unlimited.
    Thanked by 1Ovidius
  • Kaine said:
    We are the only ones to offer unlimited.

    its been a while after use your service. How its your indexing ratio ? lately i am into speedyindex bot but still looking for unlimited solution. 
  • KushphktKushphkt TMobile
    Speedy indexer telegram bot is one of the best out there. But their prices may not fit asong as they don't have unlimited instead pay as you go. But they got nice refund system for unindex links.  After using it my gsa effective ness dramatically increases. It's great indexer.

    I am going to try best indexer as well..let's see how it goes.
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • I'm still using speedy, I get close to 100 percent for links pointing to homepage and like 85 on tiers.

    They track everything and all reporting is automatic at a few intervals and they refund half credits for unindexed links.

    Likely wont find better service then that right now

  • KaineKaine
    edited May 8
    ashlyadams Elle a dit :
    Kaine Elle a dit :
    Nous sommes les seuls à offrir illimité.

    Cela fait un moment après avoir utilisé votre service. Quel est votre ratio d’indexation ? Dernièrement, j’ai utilisé le bot SpeedyIndex, mais je suis toujours à la recherche d’une solution illimitée.
    Ce n’est pas comme ça que ça marche. Si vos soumissions peuvent être indexées, si le domaine n’est pas pénalisé, si le contenu est unique, avec peu ou pas d’erreurs ou de fautes de syntaxe (peu de gens y prêtent attention) et qu’il intéresse les moteurs de recherche, vous obtiendrez un ratio de 100%.
    Aujourd’hui, il est difficile de générer des contenus suffisamment « propres » et pertinents mais aussi de savoir si les sites destinataires sont pénalisés, notamment lors des soumissions automatiques.
    Ce que je peux garantir, c’est que les moteurs de recherche Google, Bing et Yandex connaîtront vos liens. Ils les visitent si le domaine n’est pas signalé, puis choisissent s’il vaut la peine d’être indexé. Il arrive qu’un article ne soit pas assez pertinent pour intégrer les SERPS mais il compte tout de même pour le référencement.
    Nous sommes 100% witehat et connaissons l’importance d’une campagne SEO.
  • KaineKaine
    I'm still using speedy, I get close to 100 percent for links pointing to homepage and like 85 on tiers.

    They track everything and all reporting is automatic at a few intervals and they refund half credits for unindexed links.

    Likely wont find better service then that right now

    We do Google Bing and Yandex unlimited. Nobody does it better.
  • Kaine I reached out to a few services months ago about doing the indexing test I did, some popular ones too and they did not want to be involved after knowing the results would be tested daily, compared against others and put in forum where customers would see.

    I also asked in thread to tag indexing services if they want to be involved and like 1or 2 contacted me about it.

    This is why I decided to go test with just Speedy since at time they where offering 200 free links, so this way I could test the real results since it was done without letting them know results until I finished my test.

    I didnt want the test links to receive any special treatment to be fair.

    I also have my own advanced pinging and indexing scripts I use and slowly make better.

    To be honest, I never even heard of your service, but that fact that you told me you show no results what so ever makes me a bit weary about it. Most people dont actually check and end up paying for things even though they are not working, I have found.

    I get you said its to make indexing "engine" better but these are very easy, basic and most important features to have. Plus, they are there from programming and logging unless using someones else scripts, so why take them out rather the simply display to customers?

    At least minimum an indexing rate %, this I dont understand. . .?

    I saw you posted the scripts and I understand what your doing, but I didnt see the point how that shows any results or how your claiming 100 percent in Google, Bing , Yandex.

    I assume you posted some indexnow-like scripts showing a few Bing crawls as results and I was quite confused.

    I have also noticed you promoting in threads where people were talking about indexing with there own scripts and methods.

    So using your service you just send you unlimited links and you run through your scripts to get search bots to crawl and hopefully index but have no proof of this? So it is up to customer to check if there links got indexed and when?

    This is confusing me a bit becuase there is getting things crawled (super easy) and then getting things indexed (a bit harder). I do understand decent original content on known sites will index easier and that some BS just wont index no matter what. Almost like being blocked for ping spamming which is whole nother topic.

    I'm not being a dick at all this is just my observation.

  • If your going to claim indexing in Bing Google and Yandex "nobody does it better" I would like to see your reasoning or some comparisons rather then just a claim.

    There is way to much of this going around. This works or that works, but no one has proof or case study that was not incentivised.

    Again Im not being rude, just this type of behavior is annoying and its not helpful for newer users especially, having to filter out 90 percent of the suggested services to find a working one. 

    Its expensive to!
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