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THEBESTINDEXER.COM I just bought an agency package from but I don't get access Please help


  • KaineKaine
    edited April 2024
    Hello, no you are redirected to your access immediately after the PayPal payment, you must have closed the window.
    I send your access (PM).
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    edited April 2024
    I do not understand why everything and anything is always considered a scam immediately just because the user does not know what is going on or sometimes doesn't follow simple instructions.

    Why not contact the site admin and ask for advice or help first? Only if you have tried all resources can you possibly become suspicious.

    Also, remember that people live in different time zones, so you might buy something when it is lunchtime, but it could be midnight where the vendor lives.

    Be patient, be considerate, and don't accuse people of things unless you are sure and have proof.

    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    edited April 2024
    Access could not be more direct and that is perhaps what surprised the customer. There has also been a lot of abuse with indexing services over the years and this has made customers wary, I completely understand that. I know many who are almost certain they will be screwed and the stress increases if access is not provided quickly.
    I specify that the customer had access directly after payment and that access was in any case provided quickly by private message. There were no problems afterwards. Just be careful of Adblock type software which can sometimes block Paypal redirection once the payment has been validated.
    We take care of our customers and do what is necessary quickly so that everyone is satisfied and indeed, the time zone concerning customers' time can create discrepancies. Nothing that cannot be sweetened with a commercial gesture.
    Finally, TheBestIndexer is not a scam and, to my knowledge, we are still the only ones to index on Google, Bing and Yandex simultaneously and unlimitedly  :)
    Thanked by 1royalmice
  • KaineKaine
    Latest crawl report :

  • KaineKaine
    edited April 2024
    I'm kinda confused about image, I see "inviting" Yandex and Bing and 3 google lines there.

    This is just crawling report not indexing?

    Likely, I'm missing the point maybe.

    What about indexing rate?

    Like a percentage afterwards from random unIndexed links, the results.
    Hello, this is the passage of Google, Bing and Yandex search engines for our clients' submissions.

    In other words, the indexing rate always depends on the link and its content because if it respects the guidelines and is relevant, you will obtain an indexing rate of 100%.

    We put absolutely all our energy into developing the engine, with us, you will not find backlink management, statics, etc. Absolutely everything is focused on our indexing engine, its performance and security for our customers. This is why most of our clients are SEO companies.
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