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Most of the campaigns are in status Active(P)

FreemanFreeman New York
I tried to delete all the project data to start creating backlinks, but still the project under Pause status !! most of the projects now Active (Pause) status. Do you have idea why ? 


  • Are there any helpful messages?

    What happens if you right click and change to active?

    Do you have projects set for X amount of links a day and therefore it has made them and project is paused for now for some time?

    Did it run out of articles or anything like that?
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions

    Two things could cause ACTIVE (P) - the P stands for Pause.
    @backlinkaddict mentioned the one that is paused after X is verified or submissions. That setting is the first option under the project OPTIONS tab, as shown in the screenshot below.

    Option 1

    The screenshot below is of one of my projects' settings. In this case, I have set it to stop after 8500 verifications, but the stop can be changed to pause. In either option, it will turn to Active (P) when it reaches the target.

    Option 2
    The other place that can trigger a Pause is under proxy settings. If you have that option checked and run out of proxies, the projects will ALL go to Active (P) status. See the below screenshot. This option is in GSA General settings under the Submissions section

    Thanked by 1Freeman
  • FreemanFreeman New York
    royalmice said:

    Two things could cause ACTIVE (P) - the P stands for Pause.
    @backlinkaddict mentioned the one that is paused after X is verified or submissions. That setting is the first option under the project OPTIONS tab, as shown in the screenshot below.

    Option 1

    The screenshot below is of one of my projects' settings. In this case, I have set it to stop after 8500 verifications, but the stop can be changed to pause. In either option, it will turn to Active (P) when it reaches the target.

    Option 2
    The other place that can trigger a Pause is under proxy settings. If you have that option checked and run out of proxies, the projects will ALL go to Active (P) status. See the below screenshot. This option is in GSA General settings under the Submissions section

    In fact both options are not selected, the only different i'm doing here that i'm pulling the pages and url from sitemap. This could be the reason, it already created backlinks for all of them the paused. In this case it has to be unlimited backlinks as i didnt choose any of these options!!
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