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macros #trans ... #notrans

what macros #trans ... #notrans should be installed so that texts are opened in the same languages in which the sites are written


  • edited April 15
    I need a universal macro: if I run through a database of mixed sites consisting of different languages, then I want to put a universal macro that automatically translates into the language in which this site
  • SvenSven
    This macro is translating to the language the site is in by default.
    Thanked by 1VoldemarPetroff
  • I used the macro #trans...#notrans in the project? When posting, he writes an error that “empty article data!”

    When previewing in test mode, the article is not on the page

  • SvenSven
    please send me the project backup...might be some issue on translation api or your spin syntax.
  • edited April 23
    If there were problems with the rotation syntax, the project would not be saved. In addition, I duplicated this title with text with macros for other languages and without a macro. Everything is correct
  • Sven has already made an update
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