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Improve your SEO efficiency: Best SEO tools recommended

In today’s digital age, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a must-have skill for every website and blog owner. However, doing SEO manually can be very time-consuming and complex. That’s why we need to use some powerful SEO tools to help us. Here are some of the best SEO tools I recommend.

Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free tool provided by Google that can help you understand how your website performs in search engines. You can check the website’s traffic, sources, user behavior and other data to optimize your SEO strategy.

SEMrush: SEMrush is a powerful SEO tool suite that provides a range of functions, including keyword research, competitor analysis, website auditing, and more. This tool is suitable for any size business, whether you are a novice or a professional.

Ahrefs: Ahrefs is another powerful SEO tool that can help you discover new keyword opportunities, monitor your rankings, analyze competitors, and more. Ahrefs’ database contains billions of web pages, making it the tool of choice for SEO professionals.

Moz Pro: Moz Pro is a comprehensive SEO tool that provides keyword research, website optimization, link building and other functions. Its interface is clear and easy to use, making it easy for novices to get started.

Yoast SEO: If you are using WordPress, Yoast SEO is an essential plugin. It helps you optimize your content and ensure your website structure is search engine friendly.

These tools are what I often use in my daily work, and they can help me perform SEO optimization more effectively. However, the needs of every website and blog are different, so you may need to try different tools to find the one that works best for you. Hope these recommendations will be helpful to you!


  • Enough with the AI posts already :/

    These tools are yes just basic well known tools if your doing SEO for work.

    Thanked by 1Anth20
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    edited April 15

    Those are just the basic tools that most people use.

    I disagree with Yoast being the best option. I am using Rankmath Pro, and I find it to be far superior to Yoast. Here are a comparison videos: 

    All those analytics sites are fine, but some cost a pretty penny - I find Google Webmaster console a must-have in your SEO arsenal. I also use the blow for more detailed analytics, and getting things done :

    • SEO Spyglass - (Great for analytics, generating reports, and spying on your competitors) It is paid, but they often have specials, I picked up my copy for a life tie deal on Appsumo a few months back-
    • SEO Crawl - This is another one of the tools I use for analytics and tracking my site performance - it has some great features and is being updated all the time - I picked up my lifetime deal for this, again on appsumo -
    • Mangools - This is another great tool I use. It has a Chrome extension, which allows me to easily and quickly get the SEO metrics of any site - on the website members area, you have access to 5 tools: Keyword Research, Rank Tracking, analysis servers, Backlink Analysis, and SEO Metrics. This tool is super useful, and I use it daily -
    • Spamzilla - My go-to tool for finding expired domains; it is really good and affordable with super features -
    • SchemaWriter -  This must-have tool will give you great schema for your sites. I use it for every page and post on my website. I know Rankmth Pro has built the schema, but this tool takes it to a new level. It is a paid tool but worth every penny-
    • AI Masher - another tool I use for every single post on my website, especially for helpful content. And for giving Zimwriter content a boost, This tool has so many powerful features it is insane -
    • Zimwriter - It is the best AI content generator and my preferred AI content generator for generating bulk content. I built entire sites with this content, and yes, they survived the March major Google update. -
    • Free Spam Score Checker -- I use this free site to check the sites of people offering guest post links - This will give me the spam score and domain metrics. Convenient site -
    • Yaccs - The current king when it comes to building cloud sites, Great features, super support -
    • SEO-NEO is a cheaper alternative to YACCS. It also posts to cloud sites and builds links to Web 2.0 and other platforms. The support was a bit lousy initially, but it has improved recently. 
    • GPL Times -  If you are a WordPress user, then this site will save you hundreds of dollars each year -

    These are some of the tools I use in my arsenal; I left out the super secret stuff that comes with secret sauce.  :)
  • royalmice  I am def into Rank Math too. I did a tutorial/study years ago a had 3 sites sitting for awhile. One with Yoast, Rank Math and believe other was the Wordpress SEO. I added Rank Math Pro and cleaned up the schema markup nicely and few other things to one and very quickly impressions and clicks went up. Was nice case study. Def best SEO plugin for wordpress

    For features it can't be beat, but I wonder with all these new features and constantly asking for AI credit purchases (which is quite annoying) at what point does this plugin become bloated and start slowing down a WordPress site? I do wonder this, though they have some decent tutorials about these subjects for members.

    -SEO Powersuite is still quit useful, IMO

    - I still like Screaming Frog for manually crawling sites or from your desktop.  Can add GA, Majestic, Moz and get a lot of data too.

    -Spyfoo as a cheaper SemRush alternative with very affordable API and historical ranking data.

    - Can't forget the GSA Suite which other wise we wouldn't even be here talking about any SEO tools.

    @sven thanks again for still being relevant in 2024 as well as consistently adding some suggested options/services to GSA tools. Also for helping other's for things to come (working hard behind the scene) and being there to offer advice, answers or help anytime I have asked :)
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions

    The schema in Rankmath Pro was useful, but I stopped using it completely and now only use, and I insert the schema code using the Header Footer Code Manager Pro plugin. 

    I have never tried Screaming Frog, but I have seen many people use it. Maybe I should take a look.

    GSA I have a license for most of the GSA tools, but I mainly use GSA SER, GSA Platform Identifier, and GSA Proxy Scraper
  • The schema in Rankmath Pro was useful, but I stopped using it completely and now only use, and I insert the schema code using the Header Footer Code Manager Pro plugin.
    I'll have to check that out, though I'm not big on adding to many extra WP plugins because speed and possible conflictions between them
    I have never tried Screaming Frog, but I have seen many people use it. Maybe I should take a look.

    Got nothing to lose it's free for 500 pages websites, I think it's like 97 bucks a year for a license for unlimited and to be able to pull data from your API's and get "G". You can get a 3-d link graph for your internal links like SemRush's network graph which is really nice and great for picking out some good opportunities or things that may have been over looked quickly. 

    I like to run it quick after updating a site and have tool to double check on things. There's log file analyzer to they make. It's always being updated and looks super clean too!

  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    The schema in Rankmath Pro was useful, but I stopped using it completely and now only use, and I insert the schema code using the Header Footer Code Manager Pro plugin.
    I'll have to check that out, though I'm not big on adding to many extra WP plugins because speed and possible conflictions between them is not a WP plugin; it is a cloud-based application, and you don't have to install any extra plugins; you can manually add the JSON script to your header on each page, or if you have Rankmath pro, you can simply import the JSON file that schema writer produce for you. 
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