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SER works great

I want to publicly inform that SER is doing an exceptional job on Google. A backlink created with SER and sent with GSA URL redirect + GSA SEO Indexer was indexed after 5 days on Google Search. Full speed ahead
Thanked by 2Sven backlinkaddict


  • Yes, SER does work, for many different purposes. 

    Could it use some updates, surely, most software does.

    But if people can't decided what a verified SER link is how is that feedback from those users useful for @Sven at all?

    Depends on the user... Like most tools....

    Links built with and without add-on and sent to indexing, well after a little time those projects are ranking for more keywords, more showing up in search console, keywords, rankings, back links, impressions and most important more clicks!

    And this is just using expired domain and SER and some old links with add-on, not rankerx or anything else even. Purely, SER, some old links and getting them indexed....

    People love to talk about what works and what does not, but avoid talking strategy which IMHO is most important part!

    Or show anything useful backing up their false claims.

    Some people actually use software and some just go around repeating things from other people on other forums :|
    Thanked by 1verdemuschio
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    I want to publicly inform that SER is doing an exceptional job on Google. A backlink created with SER and sent with GSA URL redirect + GSA SEO Indexer was indexed after 5 days on Google Search. Full speed ahead
    Yes, I can concur with you on that statement.

    GSA SER and GSA SEO Indexer are just tools; they do what you set them to do, so if you don't set them correctly, the results will reflect that.

    I see many users out there sometimes complaining about GSA Ser work, but the actual problem is not GSA SER; it is a problem with the user input.

    GSA is like buying a car. You buy a car to get you to work and back and drive around on the weekends. It does what it is supposed to do, but you feed it gas and oil and keep air in the tyres. 
    But if you now want a little computer car to compete at the street car races, then you need to invest in new tires, shocks, engine tune-ups, and maybe some nitro - these things cost money and additional investment. Same with GSA. Out of the box, it works fine. But if you now want to start running a hundred projects at 1000 threads and expect good results, then you need to invest in some upgrades ( same as with your car), GSA upgrades are faster vps with more CPU cores, more RAM, Private proxies,  a variety of private emails, ReCaptcha solvers, text captcha solvers and so on

    Don't blame poor link-building performance on the tool when you are the one who is the problem and not willing to spend on the upgrades and Bling for your GSA

  • In fact it's so. If you read another recent thread that's exactly what I'm referring to. At the moment with good proxies, good email addresses, good captcha resolution, and good SER settings I am getting good results on Google Search Italia. Then if Google's rules change in the future then we will have to act differently. It's like this, today you buy a new car for what the current road regulations are, in two years the laws will change, they will introduce new rules, and consequently you have to update yourself to keep up with the times. Otherwise you can complain all you want but your car will no longer be able to travel. Especially if you want to create your own backlinks you will necessarily have to have good proxies. Otherwise he must delegate to others.
    Thanked by 1royalmice
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    edited April 14
    In fact it's so. If you read another recent thread that's exactly what I'm referring to. At the moment with good proxies, good email addresses, good captcha resolution, and good SER settings I am getting good results on Google Search Italia. Then if Google's rules change in the future then we will have to act differently. It's like this, today you buy a new car for what the current road regulations are, in two years the laws will change, they will introduce new rules, and consequently you have to update yourself to keep up with the times. Otherwise you can complain all you want but your car will no longer be able to travel. Especially if you want to create your own backlinks you will necessarily have to have good proxies. Otherwise he must delegate to others.

     Yep, I fully agree with all you said. 
    For your GSA projects, do you use Italian content in GSA or English. ? 
  • It depends on the project. Also in Spanish or German
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    It depends on the project. Also in Spanish or German
    If you don't mind me asking, how do you generate the content for Italian, Spanish, and German? Do you use any content builders, or do you do it in English and then just use translation software? 
  • @verdemuschio
    Have you adapted the respective platforms in SER to cover Italian, Spanish and German or are you just posting with the default engines? I used to adapt popular engines like WordPress with footprints in German (using the PO language files) and could see much better results.

    I am using GPT-4 and Mistral-large for content in German. Works very well. These platforms even understand and create in informal "Du" and formal "Sie" format if it is specified in the prompts. Just Swiss German seems to be too hard still.
  • verdemuschioverdemuschio Italy
    edited April 15
    royalmice said:
    It depends on the project. Also in Spanish or German
    If you don't mind me asking, how do you generate the content for Italian, Spanish, and German? Do you use any content builders, or do you do it in English and then just use translation software? 
    There are special software that create content in different languages and have built-in translators. But I think you know that
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    royalmice said:
    It depends on the project. Also in Spanish or German
    If you don't mind me asking, how do you generate the content for Italian, Spanish, and German? Do you use any content builders, or do you do it in English and then just use translation software? 
    There are special software that create content in different languages and have built-in translators. But I think you know that
    Yes I understand, but what i am trying to get to and trying to figure out is you are just using plain flat content, or are you using well optemized  content that is well formated and structured. Does it include any of the following

    • Does your content have : H1, H2, H3 and maybe H4 ttile tags.
    • Does your content contain bullet list.
    • Does your content contain numbered list.
    • Does your content conain tables.
    • Do you have  FAQ sextion.
    • Do you have Images for eevery H2 or every 2nd H2 section.
    • Do you have Youtube Videos in your content.
    • Do you include any : GMB, NAP and Call to Actions in your content.
    • Do you embedd Google Map in the content.

    And yes it is possible to use content like that in GSA SER. and you have a better chance of ranking with content like that as suppose to flat content with just a title and a body

    I can give you recomendations on how to achieve it, but i was trying to establish what exactely you are using and how you translate. We ask many questions, not because we are trying to ness with you or trick you or make you look bad - we simply trying to help you, but when you are evasive with your answers its not easy to do so, my friend.

    Sto cercando di aiutarvi, ma le vostre risposte sono molto evasive e poco dettagliate, quindi non è facile suggerire opzioni migliori.
  • I'm absolutely not being evasive about keeping a secret, :D   :D   :D   :D  it's just a matter of fairness to GSA selling their own content creation product. Even though the product I use has already been mentioned other times in this forum, I particularly care about being correct in other people's homes. However, yes, I create items that contain the options and functions you mentioned above. Since you asked, I use SEO Content Machine. That's all, just a question of fairness.
  • I believe what he is pointing out is useful content that passes the "sniff test" is going to index easier, rank higher in SERPs, and provide better and lasting value to your "main" sites. Even for posting content to main sites for that matter!

    -not talking churn and burn methods here

    Your PBN's your, Web 2.0 blogs, Social Profiles deserve this attention too!

    Today for a post or content to pass a "sniff test" a random 500-1500 word article with "your" link, an image or video, and random default "authority" links are most likely not going to pass this test.

    Basically, if your content is not useful and not original or unique, it will likely be deleted at some point (if not immediately) and/or provide no value to the project or domain anyways.

    Also, there are a lot default or "example" files filed with data in SER, maybe it would be wise to extend or adjust them to your needs as SER tries to cater to everyone so it can take some time to optimize it best for you and your projects in general.

  • verdemuschioverdemuschio Italy
    edited April 15
    Yes, I already understood what you wrote. In fact I use the option only original and unscraped content. Then after creating content, if I find any errors I correct them. However, I use tags H1 to H6, and I also use to insert that the link and content of each page must correspond exactly to the keyword. So one keyword per line exactly on the same line as the URL. I am very fussy about the contents and I don't rush, I take my time
  • I was not implying you did not understand, I agree, And I also put a lot of effort into my content as compared to what I have seen some suggest or do.

    Just hopefully adding some tips that may not be obvious to some who will read, not really directed at anyone.

    I didn't tag anyone, just my take on topic is all :)
  • Yes, I too am here to help and be helped. The problem, as I always repeat, is that people need to talk face to face, live, because written messages can always be interpreted differently from what we want to communicate. Unfortunately now we only communicate through messaging, which in turn if it weren't there there wouldn't be forums where you can find help, but written words can lead people to misunderstand each other.

  • Gotcha, I mostly agree, but also people like to claim and/or repeat strange things and make silly assumptions all over the internet too.

    Even on a live call or in person for that matter, it's safe to assume there will be at least 1 "bad apple" And it can be hard to moderate that stuff out. Though, I do see a bit of irony there. Ya know, coming from a forum with users auto posting to moderated forums :D

  • verdemuschioverdemuschio Italy
    edited April 15
    Nonsense remains up to those who say it
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions

    No problem, I hope you continue to have good success with your GSA projects.
    Sorry for my misunderstanding thinking that you were looking for constructive feedback.

    Hope you have a great day
  • Scrivi il tuo croyalmice said:

    No problem, I hope you continue to have good success with your GSA projects.
    Sorry for my misunderstanding thinking that you were looking for constructive feedback.

    Hope you have a great day

    In fact, I am here to be helped, I don't know about the others. But this doesn't mean that I'm totally new to SEO. It's also nice to discuss and arrive at a solution that doesn't always require a fee.
    Whoever wants to help, helps.
    Have great day to you too
  • MikeGFXMikeGFX latex
    Gsa ser works great with my choosen niches. I am agreed about seo content machine its a great peice of tool. I never thought seocm  translator. I got their ai credits too. Going to trying out as i am going to plan some foreign AI autoblogs in coming weeks.

  • Still working great for me as well.

    I have projects with exponential growth from march on. (tried to grab image but cant login to site currently and no time to wait)

    I do use the SER link manager to selectively send certain links and anchors to indexing.

    I do not really leave SER running 24/7. I run specific tasks and projects and or drip feed them.

    I have used some of @alitab and some of @cherub 's engines in addition to major social profiles built by hand also. And some legit sites that let you build a free website.

    I run task on both dofollow and nofollows, Yes, some no follows that help cement indexing and keep them crawled and indexed and then pull out the indexable dofollow profiles and built tiers to those.

    This is for scope of organic rankings in .com USA. 

    There are plenty off other useful ways to use SER ;)

    @sven has made one awesome and timeless tool that will always be useful IMO  B)
  • Hello people!

    I don't remember if in this thread or another, I should check but it would take time, a few weeks ago I was asked to post some Ahrefs tests that SER works well and gives its results as I claimed. At least for me it's giving good results at the moment. However I had to wait a bit but I have now received the statistics emails. I post the statistics of a couple of sites with new backlinks. Obviously some backlinks were removed, but the new backlinks were placed on some sites with high DR. Below I add the Ahrefs screenshots, clearly with the URLs deleted

  • verdemuschio  Yeah, I believe this was thread you started on topic. 

    I'm wondering what that email data is telling you though?

    You got a few backlinks and lost a few it seems...

    What about DR growth, impressions rising, keywords ranking, clicks etc?

    Also, it seems covered, but are you looking at just the "www" version here?

    Here is example of domain I started as side project few months back as proof some methods are working. 

    Not that Google may care much, but talking Ahrefs just got 23 increase for domain rating and haven't even hit my first 100 referring domains yet. Also note there are not many many backlinks from small number of referring domains. . .

    Here was picture I couldnt grab yesterday showing from flatline to nice increase during march update rollout (for google showing site in serps more). This is digital marketing niche in .com

    Nothing huge just some examples. I have more then a few main and test projects, domains and ongoing case studies. After all everything and even a well thought out campaign is still just a test.

    How bout from now on if people want to make a claim (repeat) whats working and whats not, rather then just mention something that was "heard" , how about take a quick 1 second screenshot from projects that you have and show here? Then add at least some context to start disussions.

    Should be super easy if your doing the work and measuring results to take 1 second screenshot!

    Clearly, don't show main site Urls as this has been bad news for me in past with funny guys putting random keywords in anchor texts (get a life). But why don't we show and prove what we are doing/saying rather than repeat what someone else said from elsewhere? Whats working or whats not after reading a super old thread or someone comparing tools @(v.1.2) who can even use them effectively but then repeat things about how well they work :D

    SEO is very much alive, tools from GSA still very useful for digital marking tasks. Most methods that "are not working" are working very well for me in Gogle .com in hard niches. Recently, SEO has gotten more fun and easier! B)

    I have plenty of useful things to share, though I will not got above and beyond the quality of what is currently being shared. Just saying. . .

  • @backlinkaddict

    I'm not exactly fanatically and continuously following the results second by second. I'm only interested in seeing that the backlinks have been positioned and that if I do a search on Google it gives me a page of my site placed among the first 10 results. This is enough for me. Then, on top of that, just two days ago I moved all the GSA products to a virtual machine so that I can dedicate myself to other things on the physical OS. So what I receive from SER is currently enough for me. However, one of the Ahrefs results that I can post is the following:

    Now if you ask me if this is okay for me, I'll tell you that it's okay for me, because for me this is already a good result. Then maybe if it improves I'll be happy
  • verdemuschio I wouldnt say I fanatically watch the metrics by any means either. Though, I do know what KPI's I am really after at the end of the day.

    It appears that you have 1000 backlinks per referring domain making it look like your spamming the same domains over and over again.

    I would think this is why your rating is only 5. Try quality over quantity and get some new link sources for referring domains and your overall authority score and rankings should be even better. :)

    Links with high authority and traffic, do-follow when possible of coarse.

    Also, I was not directing that comment at you about proof, it was just in general, all the this works and thats not working "claims" in these forums, but no context or explanation. 

    Just random nonsense read and repeated :/

    Its not helpful for anyone is all I'm saying.

    TBH, I don't mind having these discussions. . .
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