Capsolver Trial - Anyone Get One? Recently?. . . W/ CapMonsterCloud RESULTS
So I try to test Capsolver to compare against other services and share results with community.
I have been having good results with Cap Monster Cloud with H-Captcha now, before I using only GSA CB-> X-Evil--> 2captcha and looking to compare optimize my setup.
Was surprised all H captcha sent to Cap Cloud were solved 100 percent. Small amount of 16 but still 100 percent.
Anyways, No trial was working for me for Capsolver even after the round and round the mulberry bush and connecting to Telegram.
I did the dance and shout as new new customer who never before used Capsolver.
I even tried paying, but payment method asking for me to add extra credit card?
That's not option!
Any one here get a Capsolver trial recently?
Support says that I must been detected as user already, but seems like its one of those ways to get email addresses offering trials or freebies, then not give after you did your part and gave info you didn't want to share to begin with.
Super dishonest, IMHO, I would do business with them if that's the case out of PRINCIPLE!
But on the bright side, I did find a newer updated service "Cap Monster Cloud" for solving H-Captchas that I am happy with. Now at least I can get more of those high quality links.
Also, I noticed there are a few very similar looking services to Capsolver, like the same theme on website even just edited some with other name.
Is this a good working service or someone grabbing some github code and making a bunch of websites quickly to gain some market share of captcha customers?
Or people just copying them?
Love some input. . .
Support is now quite and not responding, but still asking me to connect Telegram for that free test trial?
the upgrade was 99$ how did you do for $29