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internal proxy server

verdemuschioverdemuschio Italy
edited April 3 in Need Help
Is it advisable to add the internal proxy server 127.0.01 to the GSA SER > ProxySites (Proxy Finder)? Or is it dangerous for privacy? I set it as in the photo. Let me know if it's okay or if it's better to delete it right away


  • I don't see why you would add that as proxy source?

    It's set to parse a URL for proxies and your adding your local proxy?

    I can't be sure, but I would not do that.

    Click on open url... what happens?

    You have to test the sources and only use a few that give good stable proxies, is my opinion if using this feature.
  • HI. In fact I read somewhere on the internet, I honestly don't remember which site explained the GSA SER proxy settings, that it was necessary to add the internal proxy server to ProxySites to have good private proxies. I tried it, but if you say it's better not to do it then it's fine as you recommended
  • I could be wrong but I believe your reading about "private proxies" and then using info for the free scraper?

    I think this is for some services that want you to whitelist your IP. (for me not great idea and doubtful it will work if using VPN anyways)

    Dont ever give these services more info than necessary!

    I don't do that, I roll with username and pass or API access.

    I could be missing something though, maybe some expert on topic can pitch in.

  • I use a good VPN, however it was just a curiosity. I thought it might work. But now you've made me doubt. So I deleted it
  • I would think the VPN would get in the way of some of those tasks, then you are exposing your "servers" ip
  • So do I have to turn off the VPN?
  • Your security choices are your own, not mine
  • Of course! The fact is that I don't understand much about proxies and VPNs, but I seem to have understood that logically the VPN conflicts with the proxies and consequently exposes my real IP. Is it right? That's why I asked if the best option is to turn off the VPN. It is clear that any advice the final choice is always mine.
  • I would, I don't think if you whitelist an IP for a service and then expect it to work behind regular VPN. Unless you have static IP in VPN set then maybe you can whitelist that. 

    But I would never share a more personal IP with a company/service. Likely they will add it to there network :#

    If ever an issue they will point finger at you. Its happened before. I think the webshare review is even baked into the SER by default as they were asking clients for personal info. 

    Whole point is to be anonymous, right?
  • To be clear, I would not turn it off... but thats me

  • No, then I didn't understand correctly.  Would you leave the VPN on or off?  Obviously considering that GSA SER has active proxies. Of course point is to be anonymous
  • I would keep VPN on and prefer not to whitelist your server or local IP.

    Even if it Xevil uses your vpn as proxy it will solve a bunch then just get banned fast at which point you switch the node and continue. 

    Or sometimes depending on vpn you can get static and dedicated IPs. Some even rotating.

    Point I guess is Id def use VPN and some proxies, but with API or Username Pass for authentication not worry about whitelisting.

    Just my POV ..
    Thanked by 1verdemuschio
  • Perfect, now it's clear to me. Instead I deactivated it. I hope that no problems have arisen in the meantime, even if I had used a mask for transparent proxies anyway. A thousand thanks
    Thanked by 1backlinkaddict
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