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Need to use cheaper GPT API model


GSA SER is really phenomenal. I am using the openai APi to create my articles. There are newer and cheaper models to create the articles. 

The cheapest available right now on GSA SER is gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613. It is at least 4 times more costly than GPT-3.5-turbo-0125 by example.

If we can have the articles at cheapest price we will not even need to spin them. I would be thrilled if you make this happened.

See here:


  • SvenSven
    @TheDoc you can edit the file openai.ini and these models. I will do that for next update as well.
  • TheDocTheDoc Canada

    "I appreciate. Are you asking Sven to make option to be able to switch the LLM for on option here for different pricing/quality of articles with open AI in SER?". This is exactly what i was asking because there are cheaper options into GPT. 

    I am making over 500 articles per projects with Chat Gpt and I prefer to not use spintax. 

    Thanks for your answer. You are always here to help us. I appreciate. 
  • TheDocTheDoc Canada
    edited March 28
    @Sven was just waiting for the next update. An update has come today but the option for cheaper openai Api was not in!
  • TheDocTheDoc Canada
    Regarding update: do I have to stop the projects to update GSA SER? Or can I proceed while they are running?
  • SvenSven
    You need to stop project, install update and then you should see the different models.
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