
I'm about to go crazy. Guys, what emails are you using for GSA. Are you just setting up your own domains? I had no luck with yandex, and I can't figure out how to make multiple hotmails/mcrsoft without getting in trouble. I'm scared of using my proxies to create multiple googles as they'll need to verify my phone, and I was warned once that it was already used to verify too many accounts. I can't even get my projects off the ground b/c of this. Pleeeeeeease somebody help a poor newb!!!
As an alternative, you can buy a set of email addresses. I used this service on my very first steps with SER:
Man, your confrontational childish posts are growing around the forum and it's getting annoying. Everywhere I look you're slating something or someone. Keep your childish remarks to yourself it's helping nobody seeing this shit.
I am sorry if you (and eventually others) are feeling annoyed by my comments. It is just that I am using GSA products for internet marketing business and am getting sick of irrelevant and false forum posts as well as thread hijacking. This is childish, in my opinion.