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SER deleted by Windows

Just discovered my SER having been killed / deleted by Windows.

Anyone else experiencing the same?


  • SvenSven
    Thats of course not true. I don't know how they can say such crap. A false positive detection of course! Though I will try to check why this happened. But Im sure M$ will not get me details.
    Thanked by 1organiccastle
  • AliTabAliTab

    I experienced the same issue with the latest version.

  • AliTab said:

    I experienced the same issue with the latest version.

    Glad I am not the only one and I trust your servers are at least as clean as mine. Just happened this morning after I upgraded to v17.45 yesterday.
    Thanked by 1AliTab

  • I have not tried since this A.M though. I will shortly. If I find workaround I will share but maybe already fixed?
    Just whitelist in MS Defender and reinstall from "previous version" in GSA folder.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
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