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download failed (SOCK: Connection reset by peer)

I get this message alot, what's wrong?

"download failed (SOCK: Connection reset by peer)"

I'm using semi dedicated proxies and 50 new emails.

Also why my LpM is very low, what'r wrong?

Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee


  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited January 2024
    You have 500 threads running on 6 proxies? Or are these single accesssing a rotating list/pool or something similar?
    If it were me, I would turn threads way down and see what happens.
    @backlinkaddict : I can see how 500 threads working with 6 static proxies wouldn't be fun, and 6 gateways is a lot more reasonable.  (I guess? Almost 100 threads a proxy seems outside the usual allowance!)
    Does SER restrict one proxy to a single thread? I am thinking no, as gateways permit way higher numbers of connections, simultaneously, and they work fine with GSA-SER.
    So...what do you think is a reasonable number of threads per proxy? (Let's say public proxies from sites with lists GSA-PS finds, proxies that are probably being hit by many others at the same time.)

    OFC, I want SER to run well and not waste resources, but I also want to go as fast as I can, and increasing threads does that. But I don't want to be self-defeating in this, either!  :neutral:
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