Request for Ability to Check [x] one, some, all, or none of imported e-mails
OK; now I know about the right-click Modify Projects>>Import e-Mails>>From A File
I need to re-re-re-review all the SER features. I know there are more I still haven't found or totally forgot about!
This one I never knew about.
Wasted time, but thankfully found this option before wasting too much time!

Sven, I notice on importing a set of two e-mails (via file), only the second e-mail imported gets checked. I am not sure why this is, but maybe it's useful for some GSA users set like this by default?
I did not test the behavior for multiple e-mails imported via file beyond a set of two, but even with two, it would be good to have a choice of which to select.
Presently, SER doesn't ask about which imported e-mails should be checked, I guess.
This might be useful:
Which imported e-mails should be checked? ( [X])
[ ] All [ ] None [ ] Some or Single e-mail (user specifies single e-mail, range, or list with commas, referring to e-mail import slot number)