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HTTP or SOCKS ? Which is best ?

Please guide anyone on what is HTTP and SOCKS. Which is the best proxy for GSA SER?
Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee


  • SvenSven
  • Sven said:
    Thanks for the input sven.  I am curious to know the reason :) 

    Been using https without issues .. but ofc glad to improve 
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • SvenSven
    HTTP proxies can only be used for that alone (WEB traffic). A SOCKS proxy is allowing you to use it for any protocol there is (pop3, imap, ftp...). Also when you use HTTP proxies, you never know what else they might add to the header when it is sending to the real site. Transparent proxies e.g. add a header with your real IP to it, others send a header that lets the final site know it is a proxy and not a real connection. But of course most if not all privately bought proxies will not do that.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited January 2024
    Sven said:
    Also when you use HTTP proxies, you never know what else they might add to the header when it is sending to the real site.
    Sven, could  a proxy user set up their own server that could be used to test HTTP proxies against for added html or whatever? 
    I mean, just for testing HTTP proxies against and returning failed if the proxy adds anything, else proxy being tested passes?  If this is possible, is it not a good idea, anyway? Thank you.
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