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PR Site

How relevant are PR sites now? Is it worth checking this box in the project settings?

Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee


  • SvenSven
    depends on your global settings and the tier level. I would use it for the higher tier projects and also maybe change the PR-mapping in global options -> advanced (default is yandex as it is free).
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited January 23

    If I had put this in a list and said dont post to "PR" less then 2 and yandex emulation set Im assuming it would skip posting to these even though the metrics are much higher.

    So, we need to know that a site failed because it didn't meet the PR requirements (using Yandex as global) and not that it isn't a live site or identified SER engine.
    Only the sites that don't meet the metric but otherwise pass in all other ways get saved. You could do dummy-posts, IG?
    Right now there's the folder in AppData site_list-failed but that's ALL fails.
    So how could we go through the fails and eliminate anything that has no GSA-recognized engine or isn't even a live site? Then, take what's left and use DOM-detailer to check using those other metrics that Yandex-supplied metric sometimes does not align with.
    How do users do this part?
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    So what's the correlation between Majestic or their competing service's "DA" and the Yandex metric?
    How often do they deviate from one another? Do they usually correlate?
    I am just wondering if you mean missing out on a percentage of link opportunities where they don't come close in matching up, in a greater context of most of the links correlating to some extent.
    I am using the (Free) Yandex metric and on some project cutting it off at PR2.
    I am setting up new tests with PR1 just to cast a wider net, but unless I cross-test against those other metrics, I won't know if some of the PR1s were actually gems. "Gems"? Is it possible? Can you have a Yandex PR1 site with decently good Domain Authority?
    I guess someone running these tests, if retaining the data, can show us graphically how Majestic, Yandex PR, and DA cross? hat would be cool to see. :astonished:
  • @Deeeeeeee
    When you take a look at the defition in SER you will see how it is calculated. DA/10 rounded up/down and expressed as an integer results into 0 for DA 2 and into 1 for DA 6. Both pretty poor for Tier 1.
    I found the Yandex values quite realistic. Keep in mind that DA and DR can be manipulated (pushed) quite easily, so don't take these as single indicators of a domain strenght. If you don't trust Yandex for whatever reason, you can go with the Semrush rank which I found is more realistic since the changes Semrush made last year - and it is way cheaper on SEORank than moz DA.
  • AliTabAliTab


    As you can see above there are pligg social bookmarks in the project pane, I have the default yandex emulation on and it's showing me these sites are 0 or 1.

    I copied some of these links and pasted into a tool using data from Domdetailer API you can (see below) it shows 2 through 5.8 DA. Sorry its not showing more, the URLs are not supposed to be behaving that way. But you get the picture, they have some DA and Majestic Citation and Trust Flow to them.

    The ones I checked by hand via Dev Tools seemed to be do-follow for URL's in the description.

    So at first glance looking at project pane, I may think these are new or low metric Pligg sites but the other picture tells a different story. I am assuming if that setting was set it would skip posting to those sites. I don't really use that skip filter though.

    That being said, I know NOTHING about Yandex PR emulation. This is just my observation with tools I use.

    I like to see these metrics especially when looking at a list of expired domains/web 2.0s from different sources compared next to each other. Its quite convenient I think. 

    These metrics can be manipulated obviously, but if I see something with very high DA and low Majestic metrics or vice versa, chances are there might be an issue I could spot quicker.

    In that case, I may skip further spam checking the domain.

    For example, digging into the backlinks and anchor text may seem like a perfectly healthy anchor clould at first with brand names, regular links, generic anchors etc. But then I dig a bit deeper and find things about porn, pills, loans, russian looking charactors and I can assume someone has already repurposed this domain and spammed the hell out of it!

    I actually just found an issue digging into this I have been wondering about. I had so many pliggs at 1 point it was pretty much A-Z Pligg bookmarks in my sitelist and I ran a test which should have added more sites to the list, but upon viewing my verified sitelist I saw only 34?

    When I view my verified pligg sitelist at the current moment there is more but still only 134 links showing. However, when I highlight all projects in the pane and view verified urls then click on stats-> view in text listing- I get this below. . .?

    There should be more then that still. Where did all my Pliggs go? I really don't know at the moment. Maybe there is a bug/weird behaviour saving links to file. Is this similiar behaviour to what you were mentioning @AliTab
    Yes, Looks similar to what I've experienced.
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