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Select Engines Based on Type of Content Data Required

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited January 19 in Feature Requests
Hi, Sven. Hope you're well and everything is good, and you're having fun with your programming projects in 2024!!
I was wondering: Would anyone find it useful to be able to select engines to check in the Project Data pane by the Type of Content Data Required?  
Even just a 
ENGINE Produces [Articles/Non-articles/Both Articles & Non-articles] would help but this can be expanded to checkoff menu, too. (Description 250, etc.)
Thanks! :blush:


  • SvenSven
    Right click on the field->enable engines that use this
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited January 20

    Sven, I can't find it. Ooooooooooooooh I think you mean the field within the project?  brb
    OK; that was what you had meant. I never right-clicked on those fields before. Cool to still find new stuff!!!
    That works...But what if a user hadn't yet checked an engine that brings up a particular data category for a project?  They'd have to know what engine requires which dataset to even bring up the field.

    And, for articles, I only see "Disable engines that use articles" when I rt-click, and when I click it, articles/the tab all go away. If I then check off a single article-requiring engine, article tab comes back, and if I right-click, again in that field on that tab, I only have the option to Disable, not enable ALL, although all other article-requiring engines are not enabled.
    A binary [requires articles/requires all data fields EXCEPT articles] would be cool, too.
  • SvenSven
    I will add "Enable Engines that use This" for articles as well on next update.

    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
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