Bug with saving verified URLs
Hello @Sven
I suspect there is a problem with the way verified URLs are being saved. This might also be occurring with submitted URLs, but I haven't tested that yet. Not all URLs are being recorded in the file.
In a recent experiment, approximately 15 minutes elapsed, but only one URL was written to the file.
I suspect there is a problem with the way verified URLs are being saved. This might also be occurring with submitted URLs, but I haven't tested that yet. Not all URLs are being recorded in the file.
In a recent experiment, approximately 15 minutes elapsed, but only one URL was written to the file.
That to there is a time interval until it is saved to file. You can see if you click early on project showing submitted in GUI to show submitted urls and it says nothing has been saved to disk yet or something similiar. This seems normal.
On the otherhand . . .
I did have a bunch of pligg bookmarks that im sure I had a decent number of in the file. Recently, I used the tools in sitelists to dedupe urls not domains and then check/clean up none working.
I also have a project trying to scrape bookmarks that should be appending to that file. After a while, I went manually into the sitelist to see what had been added for Pligg type bookmarks and there was now only 34?
Im not sure what exactly happened but I did have a ton more that that just a short time before rechecking.