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How to add a Custom footprint on SER?

Hi, I have some PBN websites from SEO Autopilot and Money Robot and those software provide some common platforms like WordPress Article, WIki, Social Bookmark, Datalife CMS, etc. 

I tried the SER Platform Identify feature, and it can identify some of the websites but most of them are unknown. So there is any way to identify those unknown sites?


  • Did you try using footprint studio inside SER or the stand alone platform identifier?
  • MasumKhanMasumKhan Dhaka
    edited December 2023
    Did you try using footprint studio inside SER or the stand alone platform identifier?
    Yes, I tried Footprint studio but it can't identify all the websites.
  • On blogs like that from those softwares I think you need to post using their software or find a way around it to post from SER.

    Also, on MR blogs its possible they changed footprints for example deleting the "powered by wordpress" footprint and did similar things to their "blog network".

    Since they "own" the blogs even though they are on an open source platform I believe theres some extra steps as they are designed to let only some verified users post to them easily.

    Id watch out with some of the MR blogs and sites as I visited a few and got message like "this site was turned over to educational institute do to copyright laws" 

    Also, its one major foortprints using the blogs in MR as they are all then and all very similiar. When I try to change to more unique names it failed to create and post.

    I think some users are using more for indexing strategies.

    Maybe @cherub can add some input here as he is a wealth of knowledge on these topics. 

    @royalmice seems very familiar with these topics so maybe he could share some insights I dont know.

    GSA has another "Platform Identifier" that can maybe be helpful.

    Hopefully you figure out, I myself returned to forum this year so there are most likely some new features or ways to do things I am overlooking.

    Good luck!
    Thanked by 2Deeeeeeee MasumKhan
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    edited December 2023

    Most of those sites used by SEO Auto Pilot, Money Robots, and other similar services are domains they own and platforms that look like WordPress, but they are not. It is some other PHP-based CMS platform or directory site. 
    To add a footprint to GSA SER, you first need an engine that GSA SER can post to because footprints are added to existing engines.

    Once you have identified the platform, you need a custom engine to be created, to which you can then add the custom footprint. This is a challenging task. Otherwise, everyone would have been adding those platforms.

    You can use this tool to detect the cms used by a site -
  • On blogs like that from those softwares I think you need to post using their software or find a way around it to post from SER.

    Also, on MR blogs its possible they changed footprints for example deleting the "powered by wordpress" footprint and did similar things to their "blog network".

    Since they "own" the blogs even though they are on an open source platform I believe theres some extra steps as they are designed to let only some verified users post to them easily.

    Id watch out with some of the MR blogs and sites as I visited a few and got message like "this site was turned over to educational institute do to copyright laws" 

    Also, its one major foortprints using the blogs in MR as they are all then and all very similiar. When I try to change to more unique names it failed to create and post.

    I think some users are using more for indexing strategies.

    Maybe @cherub can add some input here as he is a wealth of knowledge on these topics. 

    @royalmice seems very familiar with these topics so maybe he could share some insights I dont know.

    GSA has another "Platform Identifier" that can maybe be helpful.

    Hopefully you figure out, I myself returned to forum this year so there are most likely some new features or ways to do things I am overlooking.

    Good luck!
    Thank you so much for the replay.

    MR has around 240+ self-hosted WordPress websites, 200+ profile sites, 200+ social bookmark sites, 250+ wiki sites, 150+ directory sites and many more. 

    SER default platform identifier can detect 60+ WordPress sites, 200+ social bookmark sites (all), and the rest of them can't be detected. but all the platform has default footprints like, MediaWiki/create wiki site, datalife cms etc. 

    Yes, you can't create an account on those sites with your Gmail or private email, and also your account will be suspended if you create an account by hand or any other software. you need their dedicated software like MR or SEO auto pilot. but the good news is if you create account by their software and export the accounts and use it by your self or software it never deletes those posts or backlink pages.

    I have both of the software and I have also lots of accounts exported from the software and now I am finding a way to use those accounts for other tools but SER detects some of them not all. So I am here for some SER experts who can solve the issue.

    So, why SER detects only 60 wordpress sites not all of them?
  • cherubcherub
    You need to look at the 'page must have' footprints in the engine files. If the MR wordpress sites do not have any of those identifiers in their code, they won't be identified as such.
    Thanked by 1rosath
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