Limit Backlink Creation?
Want to know if there is anyway to limit the backlinks like if you are upto give 500 Verified backlinks, i don't wanna end with 400 of them just trackback...
To avoid it can we limit the amount of particular thing like trackback/guest posting and other? (Like 100 in my case)
So once it reaches the amount, it should stop creating more backlinks for that technqiue..
I think this feature should be added.
To avoid it can we limit the amount of particular thing like trackback/guest posting and other? (Like 100 in my case)
So once it reaches the amount, it should stop creating more backlinks for that technqiue..
I think this feature should be added.
Like if i wanna give 500 backlinks then i should check that option and set limit like 100 Trackback, 100 Guest Post, 50 Blogcomment and so on.
For my self, i don't care but if i am up to create backlinks for my clients then its odd.