All Captchas Selected
Cape Town
I run CB with a pretty clean setup. Only attempt captchas above 10%. Simple.
BUT I see there are many unselected captcha types on the list that haven't been selected.
I think that there should be an option that if you have the platform selected in SER then it should auto select platform in CB. This especially applies to when new platforms or captcha types get added.
Maybe you can give us an option to "Always Select All New Captchas"
I just don't see the point of these captchas not being selected by default.
Question 1:
My understanding is that even if you have selected a captcha platform with a low solve rate, the global setting will still ignore these if they are below the % set. i.e if set at 10% even if you select a captcha with a solve rate at 5% it will get ignored. Is this correct?
Question 2:
If you select a platform in SER but for some reason that plaftorm is not selected in CB - what happens? Does CB not try and solve the captcha?
Q1: yes
Q2: it detects the captcha, sees its it skips it
It however makes sens to not check captchas with a very low success rate. It's a wast of resources if you have one with e.g. 10% success rate. And an option to select only captchas used in SER is not needed. If you select all acpatchas it should work just fine. The captcha detection algorithm is clever enough to see what captcha comes in to choose the right type.