Exactly, if you have a specific message targeted to a specific niche it is more likely to attract clicks if you send to forms in the same broad industry. That said though, sometimes you just want to send your message to as many people as you can!
Thanks for the purchases all, we're looking into perhaps turning this into a monthly service if there is enough interest. In the mean time, data has been refreshed.
They are for marketing your products/services/messages through contact forms, so not directly relevant to SEO as a whole (as far as I know!). But if you have a website with a form, I'm sure you've received SEO offers through it. Lists such as our is how these services do it.
Feb 2024 Contact Form List, 1.4+ Million Contact Forms, Sorted by Category and Language
1,422,366 distinct contact forms, sorted into separate lists for language used, and website category.
English (en) 793068 German (de) 136181 Russian (ru) 74443 Spanish (es) 55481 French (fr) 53987 Japanese (ja) 32900 Lithuanian (lt) 15822 Turkish (tr) 14271 Italian (it) 12469 Dutch (nl) 9858 Chinese (zh) 7627 Portuguese (pt) 7503 Latvian (lv) 7182
plus 201574 others
Categories (IAB3):
Business and Finance 368098 Technology & Computing 152417 Shopping 128980 Medical Health 73057 Sensitive Topics 72563 Travel 52293 Real Estate 50200 Entertainment 47792 Education 42980 Food & Drink 36814 Automotive 34652 Personal Finance 29695 Family and Relationships 27572 Sports 26852 Law 22366 Healthy Living 18255 Religion & Spirituality 16412 Communication 12649 Careers 11651 Fine Art 10160
plus 186908 others
74561 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
List was built on 1st February 2024
Data is supplied as multiple text files, split into max 500,000 lines each.
March 2024 Contact Form List, 1.8+ Million Contact Forms, Sorted by Category and Language
1,892,735 distinct contact forms, sorted into separate lists for language used, and website category.
All forms are completely distinct from our previous month's list - no overlap!
English (en) 964673 Polish (pl) 190978 German (de) 178879 Spanish (es) 105658 French (fr) 69661 Japanese (ja) 47276 Danish (da) 18442 Turkish (tr) 17374 Italian (it) 16715 Dutch (nl) 12565 Portuguese (pt) 11311 Chinese (zh) 9194 Russian (ru) 5932
plus 244077 others
Categories (IAB3): Business and Finance 445899 Technology & Computing 188802 Shopping 168437 Medical Health 99862 Sensitive Topics 80510 Travel 70100 Entertainment 65163 Education 63928 Real Estate 63284 Food & Drink 47855 Automotive 39569 Family and Relationships 36307 Personal Finance 35069 Sports 34298 Religion & Spirituality 30882 Law 30576 Healthy Living 20719 Communication 18214 Fine Art 16090 Careers 14379 Politics 11474 Hobbies & Interests 10645
plus 300673 others
Bonus: 107921 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
List was built on 1st March 2024
Data is supplied as multiple text files, split into max 500,000 lines each.
Providing my mysql query skills are correct, there are 489535 overlapping from the 6.4+ million list. So about 75% unique contact forms in the March list compared to our initial big list of forms.
April 2024 Contact Form List, 1.8+ Million Contact Forms, Sorted by Category and Language
1,816,073 distinct contact forms, sorted into separate lists for language used, and website category.
All forms are completely distinct from ALL our previous monthly lists - no overlap!
English (en) 1049496 Spanish (es) 145826 German (de) 93285 French (fr) 65351 Japanese (ja) 51064 Danish (da) 38096 Portuguese (pt) 34228 Turkish (tr) 17839 Romanian (ro) 15876 Italian (it) 15226 Dutch (pt) 12499 Slovenian (sl) 11484 Russian (ru) 10213
plus 255590 others
Categories (IAB3): Business and Finance 362522 Technology & Computing 145842 Shopping 140051 Medical Health 83210 Sensitive Topics 73735 Education 59231 Real Estate 55456 Travel 53333 Entertainment 50900 Food & Drink 38692 Automotive 35334 Personal Finance 35072 Family and Relationships 31808 Religion & Spirituality 28801 Sports 27354 Law 26010 Healthy Living 10879 Careers 10779
plus 547064 others
Bonus: 108263 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
List was built on 2nd April 2024
Data is supplied as multiple text files, split into max 500,000 lines each.
May 2024 Contact Form List, 1.8+ Million Contact Forms, Sorted by Category and Language
1,810,774 distinct contact forms, sorted into separate lists for language used, and website category.
All forms are completely distinct from ALL our previous monthly lists - no overlap!
English (en) 851922 Dutch (nl) 190948 Spanish (es) 131601 French (fr) 78829 German (de) 51268 Russian (ru) 49046 Slovakian (sk) 43970 Japanese (ja) 41908 Romanian (ro) 29196 Italian (it) 17606 Turkish (tr) 17069 Chinese (zh) 13491 Serbian (sr) 10679
plus 283241 others
Categories (IAB3):
Business and Finance 346801 Technology & Computing 151731 Shopping 138929 Sensitive Topics 75687 Medical Health 73985 Real Estate 58795 Education 55433 Travel 52507 Entertainment 51726 Automotive 38705 Family and Relationships 34557 Food & Drink 33328 Personal Finance 30113 Sports 28081 Religion & Spirituality 25182 Law 24466 Healthy Living 12931 Careers 11271 Communication 10542 Fine Art 10090
plus 545914 others
Bonus: 108263 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
List was built on 1st May 2024
Data is supplied as multiple text files, split into max 500,000 lines each.
June 2024 Contact Form List, 1.6+ Million Contact Forms, Sorted by Category and Language
1,632,481 distinct contact forms, sorted into separate lists for language used, and website category.
All forms are completely distinct from ALL our previous monthly lists - no overlap!
English (en) 902337 Dutch (nl) 135452 Spanish (es) 75463 Russian (ru) 67171 French (fr) 54768 Japanese (ja) 43847 German (de) 42922 Persian (fa) 24876 Italian (it) 17222 Turkish (tr) 17031
plus 251392 others
Categories (IAB3):
Business and Finance 299450 Technology & Computing 139315 Shopping 134968 Sensitive Topics 71144 Medical Health 69688 Education 51403 Real Estate 49442 Entertainment 48335 Travel 46699 Automotive 32675 Food & Drink 31808 Personal Finance 30819 Family and Relationships 30512 Religion & Spirituality 26702 Sports 22876 Law 20843 Healthy Living 11266 Careers 10537
plus 503999 others
Bonus: 90890 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
List was built on 3rd June 2024
Data is supplied as multiple text files, split into max 500,000 lines each.
July 2024 Contact Form List, 1.8+ Million Contact Forms, Sorted by Category and Language
1,866,562 distinct contact forms, sorted into separate lists for language used, and website category.
All forms are completely distinct from ALL our previous monthly lists - no overlap!
English (en) 822768 French (fr) 209196 Italian (it) 87585 Russian (ru) 87480 Czech (cs) 80799 German (de) 78444 Spanish (es) 58468 Portuguese (pt) 58092 Japanese (ja) 40705 Dutch (nl) 34934 Norwegian (nb) 17378 Turkish (tr) 16110
plus 274603 others
Categories (IAB3):
Business and Finance 360751 Technology & Computing 155542 Shopping 145000 Medical Health 75503 Sensitive Topics 70347 Travel 66616 Real Estate 60945 Entertainment 60152 Education 55478 Family and Relationships
32675 Food & Drink 31808 Personal Finance 30819 Family and Relationships 39295 Automotive 38997 Food & Drink 35496 Sports 31756 Law 31308 Personal Finance 28686 Religion & Spirituality 25614 Healthy Living 14789 Fine Art 11092 Communication 10336
plus 548859 others
Bonus: 86804 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
List was built on 1st July 2024
Data is supplied as multiple text files, split into max 500,000 lines each.
August 2024 Contact Form List, 1.6+ Million Contact Forms, Sorted by Category and Language
1,644,724 distinct contact forms, sorted into separate lists for language used, and website category.
All forms are completely distinct from ALL our previous monthly lists - no overlap!
English (en) 723612 French (fr) 166146 German (de) 165133 Japanese (ja) 122004 Italian (it) 72560 Spanish (es) 58629 Portuguese (pt) 48497 Russian (ru) 45489 Turkish (tr) 15964
plus 226690 others
Categories (IAB3):
Business and Finance 319238 Technology & Computing 135147 Shopping 122188 Medical Health 74947 Sensitive Topics 64771 Real Estate 56867 Travel 53041 Education 52688 Entertainment 52237 Food & Drink 36105 Family and Relationships 32182 Automotive 31394 Sports 28095 Personal Finance 26242 Law 23913 Religion & Spirituality 23285 Healthy Living 15441 Politics 10964 Fine Art 10954
plus 475025 others
Bonus: 77603 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
List was built on 1st August 2024
Data is supplied as multiple text files, split into max 500,000 lines each.
Exactly, if you have a specific message targeted to a specific niche it is more likely to attract clicks if you send to forms in the same broad industry. That said though, sometimes you just want to send your message to as many people as you can!
Thanks for the purchases all, we're looking into perhaps turning this into a monthly service if there is enough interest. In the mean time, data has been refreshed.
A few coupons still left!
Thanks for the purchases all, we're looking into perhaps turning this into a monthly service if there is enough interest. In the mean time, data has been refreshed.
Introducing our new monthly service!
Feb 2024 Contact Form List, 1.4+ Million Contact Forms, Sorted by Category and Language
1,422,366 distinct contact forms, sorted into separate lists for language used, and website category.
English (en) 793068
German (de) 136181
Russian (ru) 74443
Spanish (es) 55481
French (fr) 53987
Japanese (ja) 32900
Lithuanian (lt) 15822
Turkish (tr) 14271
Italian (it) 12469
Dutch (nl) 9858
Chinese (zh) 7627
Portuguese (pt) 7503
Latvian (lv) 7182
plus 201574 others
Categories (IAB3):
Business and Finance 368098
Technology & Computing 152417
Shopping 128980
Medical Health 73057
Sensitive Topics 72563
Travel 52293
Real Estate 50200
Entertainment 47792
Education 42980
Food & Drink 36814
Automotive 34652
Personal Finance 29695
Family and Relationships 27572
Sports 26852
Law 22366
Healthy Living 18255
Religion & Spirituality 16412
Communication 12649
Careers 11651
Fine Art 10160
plus 186908 others
74561 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
List was built on 1st February 2024
Data is supplied as multiple text files, split into max 500,000 lines each.
Random sample urls: https://datarat.org/Contact Forms Sample.txt
Buy Now for $47
March 2024's List is Here!
Polish (pl) 190978
German (de) 178879
Spanish (es) 105658
French (fr) 69661
Japanese (ja) 47276
Danish (da) 18442
Turkish (tr) 17374
Italian (it) 16715
Dutch (nl) 12565
Portuguese (pt) 11311
Chinese (zh) 9194
Russian (ru) 5932
Business and Finance 445899
Technology & Computing 188802
Shopping 168437
Medical Health 99862
Sensitive Topics 80510
Travel 70100
Entertainment 65163
Education 63928
Real Estate 63284
Food & Drink 47855
Automotive 39569
Family and Relationships 36307
Personal Finance 35069
Sports 34298
Religion & Spirituality 30882
Law 30576
Healthy Living 20719
Communication 18214
Fine Art 16090
Careers 14379
Politics 11474
Hobbies & Interests 10645
107921 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
Buy Now for $47
April 2024's List is Here!
Spanish (es) 145826
German (de) 93285
French (fr) 65351
Japanese (ja) 51064
Danish (da) 38096
Portuguese (pt) 34228
Turkish (tr) 17839
Romanian (ro) 15876
Italian (it) 15226
Dutch (pt) 12499
Slovenian (sl) 11484
Russian (ru) 10213
Business and Finance 362522
Technology & Computing 145842
Shopping 140051
Medical Health 83210
Sensitive Topics 73735
Education 59231
Real Estate 55456
Travel 53333
Entertainment 50900
Food & Drink 38692
Automotive 35334
Personal Finance 35072
Family and Relationships 31808
Religion & Spirituality 28801
Sports 27354
Law 26010
Healthy Living 10879
Careers 10779
108263 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
Buy Now for $47
(March): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/march-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(February): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/feb-2024-contact-form-list-14-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
May 2024's List is Here!
Dutch (nl) 190948
Spanish (es) 131601
French (fr) 78829
German (de) 51268
Russian (ru) 49046
Slovakian (sk) 43970
Japanese (ja) 41908
Romanian (ro) 29196
Italian (it) 17606
Turkish (tr) 17069
Chinese (zh) 13491
Serbian (sr) 10679
plus 283241 others
Technology & Computing 151731
Shopping 138929
Sensitive Topics 75687
Medical Health 73985
Real Estate 58795
Education 55433
Travel 52507
Entertainment 51726
Automotive 38705
Family and Relationships 34557
Food & Drink 33328
Personal Finance 30113
Sports 28081
Religion & Spirituality 25182
Law 24466
Healthy Living 12931
Careers 11271
Communication 10542
Fine Art 10090
plus 545914 others
108263 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
Buy Now for $47
(April): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/april-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(March): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/march-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(February): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/feb-2024-contact-form-list-14-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
June 2024's List is Here!
Dutch (nl) 135452
Spanish (es) 75463
Russian (ru) 67171
French (fr) 54768
Japanese (ja) 43847
German (de) 42922
Persian (fa) 24876
Italian (it) 17222
Turkish (tr) 17031
plus 251392 others
Technology & Computing 139315
Shopping 134968
Sensitive Topics 71144
Medical Health 69688
Education 51403
Real Estate 49442
Entertainment 48335
Travel 46699
Automotive 32675
Food & Drink 31808
Personal Finance 30819
Family and Relationships 30512
Religion & Spirituality 26702
Sports 22876
Law 20843
Healthy Living 11266
Careers 10537
plus 503999 others
90890 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
Buy Now for $47
(May): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/may-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(April): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/april-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(March): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/march-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(February): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/feb-2024-contact-form-list-14-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
July 2024's List is Here!
French (fr) 209196
Italian (it) 87585
Russian (ru) 87480
Czech (cs) 80799
German (de) 78444
Spanish (es) 58468
Portuguese (pt) 58092
Japanese (ja) 40705
Dutch (nl) 34934
Norwegian (nb) 17378
Turkish (tr) 16110
plus 274603 others
Technology & Computing 155542
Shopping 145000
Medical Health 75503
Sensitive Topics 70347
Travel 66616
Real Estate 60945
Entertainment 60152
Education 55478
Family and Relationships 32675
Food & Drink 31808
Personal Finance 30819
Family and Relationships 39295
Automotive 38997
Food & Drink 35496
Sports 31756
Law 31308
Personal Finance 28686
Religion & Spirituality 25614
Healthy Living 14789
Fine Art 11092
Communication 10336
plus 548859 others
86804 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
Buy Now for $47
(June): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/june-2024-contact-form-list-16-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(May): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/may-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(April): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/april-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(March): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/march-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(February): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/feb-2024-contact-form-list-14-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
August 2024's List is Here!
French (fr) 166146
German (de) 165133
Japanese (ja) 122004
Italian (it) 72560
Spanish (es) 58629
Portuguese (pt) 48497
Russian (ru) 45489
Turkish (tr) 15964
plus 226690 others
Technology & Computing 135147
Shopping 122188
Medical Health 74947
Sensitive Topics 64771
Real Estate 56867
Travel 53041
Education 52688
Entertainment 52237
Food & Drink 36105
Family and Relationships 32182
Automotive 31394
Sports 28095
Personal Finance 26242
Law 23913
Religion & Spirituality 23285
Healthy Living 15441
Politics 10964
Fine Art 10954
plus 475025 others
77603 contact forms from sites using WooCommerce
Buy Now for $47
(July): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/july-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(June): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/june-2024-contact-form-list-16-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(May): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/may-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(April): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/april-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(March): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/march-2024-contact-form-list-18-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
(February): https://contactforms.sell.app/product/feb-2024-contact-form-list-14-million-contact-forms-sorted-by-category-and-language
How much would it cost for these lists:
1 727 333 0987