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Capchas nopeCHA

I recently saw the update of the new captcha manager and I saw that you added nopecha, I decided to try it, the problem is that the capchas test does not pass and tells me that the system is down.

I opened a ticket on nopecha and they tell me that your system is fine.

I don't know if anyone has had the same problem

@sven have you received communications from other users with this problem? If you want I can give you my api for you to try.




  • If you are using free only residential proxies are said to work to prevent abuse.

    If nopecha is in your browser as ext and you switch to data center ip you will see that the ext turns off.

    Maybe that will help?

    Im testing myself
  • I am using the paid version. 
    I don't understand what could be going on, the service if it works as they say, it could be interesting.
  • SvenSven
    I will have a look on this tomorrow as I have an API key now to debug.
  • SvenSven
    I was able to spot one issue and image captcha solving should work fine now. However, for the other types it might work or not....depending on the server load. I often get back no reply. This is however an issue on there end it seems.
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