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What does the checkbox do for custom list in GSA-SER?

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited November 2023 in GSA Search Engine Ranker
I know what the checkbox does for the I,S,V,F lists. 

Each list records a ULRs at different points in the process of posting. 
The check box, as I understand, makes that folder a R/W folder. Unchecked, SER does not attempt to write to the folder and sub-folders. as URLS qualify as I,S,V,F.

What about the checkbox for the Custom List? What does that do?!

Thank you~!


  • You can preconfigure a "custom list" and then in "how to target urls" options check "use global sitelists" and then only check "custom"

    It can be handy for just adding say pligg bookmarks you know SER can post to and do a bookmark run really fast as easy example.

    So working with precreated filtered lists is an option and project would only post to those custom sites.

    I believe that's how its working now
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    Thank you for the response. I've been using the list in just that way. It is cool, definitely!

    But I'm wondering: If I uncheck the box, and I select that list in a project, will the list still work?
    I wonder this bc in the other Global List slots, the checkbox means it is writing to that set of folders, as far as I understood.
  • I would assume you would be able to work with list or not on per project basis.

    It might be harder to see progress of links built from that list if to many different project are running grabbing from different lists though.

    I personally just use on per project basis really so I wouldnt know for sure.

    If I understand you correctly yes thats how the lists work, they are written to and moved into respective lists as projects move forward and your  always creating a "global verified sitelist" you can always post to while using less resources in other projects.

    So the more you use the software the larger your "verfied" database becomes
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited December 2023
    I would assume you would be able to work with list or not on per project basis.

    OK. So then if I choose the custom list as global source for a certain project, and I keep the checkbox unchecked in GAS SER settings for the Custom list, then what happens? I would guess the project still uses that list, if the list has been set before the box was unchecked.
    I'm confused because the checkbox in the SER..OPtIOINS>>ADVANCED>>SItE_LISt for all other lists indicates for SER to write to those lists, as well as read.  But custom lists aren't being generated as SER runs!!!

    So what does the checkbox do in settings for custom list in SER..OPtIOINS>>ADVANCED>>SItE_LISt?!?!

    (Capital t isn't working rn) sorry

  • You can use the Custom checkbox for read-only site lists, i.e. your Scrapebox work or the Dropbox folder from a site list vendor which is read-only. This way, you can build your own lists RW whilst leaving the source list untouched.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
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