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Indexing Frequency

I've just re-submitted an older, neglected website with GSA SEO INDEXER after several years, due to an expected drop in DA & backlinks. It's going to be interesting to see the results from this indexing. Which brings me to wonder how often/regularly peeps in here perform a SEO Indexer Submission on their money sites?


  • Sometimes, I like to grab old SER projects of backlinks using tool of choice ---> verify they are live still---> then filter out the do follows -----> maybe do an anchor text test and filter ones I want if trying to optimize backlink profile a certain way ---> then use this list and build some fresh links to them ----> then create a tier project and build some more links to those links ---> can duplicate project as tier [tier] ---> [tier] ---> [tier] ---> [tier] --->[tier] ---> as many times as you wish :wink:
  • DataRatDataRat Inside the walls
    ClintN said:
    Which brings me to wonder how often/regularly peeps in here perform a SEO Indexer Submission on their money sites?
    Never. If a money site isn't indexing with the links being built to it, then there is something fundamentally wrong with it that an indexer isn't going to fix.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • ClintN to be clear no you never should have need to submit your main website again to GSA SEO INDEXER.

    I was refering to a method where you maybe be able recover that drop in DA and backlinks.

    Which makes me wonder is this a serious question? Do you work for Gaogle? j/k

    Maybe want to reindex the lost links if you can that were providing the DA drop / loss of backlinks and maybe build more, then submit high tier links to working indexing method which would crawl down through tiers and newly created links and lost links with some luck they will be indexed and your DA will increase again.

    Several years seem like long time.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • ClintNClintN Australia
    hey Baclkinkaddict,

    Genuine question here, I would not have thought it necessary to use GSA SEO INDEXER regularly, I did so first tactic up after many years of no maintenance as I thought updates to GSA SEO INDEXER would include new websites 
  • I dont have gsa seo indexer currently but if I remember it submits sites to statistic and whois sites.

    Probably better to use GSA URL Redirect Pro with similair method mentioned above.

    Plus, many paid indexing services currently fail to sent any crawlers to you links anyways. (can check traffic logs)

    If website is indexed and looking to get more backlinks and increase DA I dont think hitting main site with gsa seo indexer would provide results you are looking for but I could be wrong.
  • Right now I'm experimenting with build link tiering to see if I can get some backlinks I bought indexed. 

    A lot of forced index services have frequent fall-offs. So lets see how well that works. Hoping to start seeing some of the sites indexed soon. 
  • Grio43 let me know how you make out. Im experimenting with a bunch of related things also.

    I know someone who did case study and only 1 popular indexing service of the I believe 7 or so tested sent any crawlers to site at all confirmed in traffic logs.

    Upon contacting said service if indexing method they use is currently working, I offered to send them some social media profiles, some links and some money to test service and give honest review I got no answer.

    I did however get spammed with black friday deals from said service...hmmmm

    I'm testing another method that was working but switching up what Cms Im using and API im calling.

    Maybe will work well idk just yet.

    Hopefully you see some results soon!
  • Indexers are not really worth the cost anyone. 

    If the content is low quality even if indexed it will drop fairly quickly if poor quality content. 

    One index service that I used that works gets the content index by doing the follow. 

    On a wordpress news site with traffic. They will publish an article and in the comments section provide a bunch of OBL. I'm not sure if they use google index api on those pages to get it done fast or not. 

    In a few days they will purge the comment section. This is by no means a new method. 
    Thanked by 1organiccastle
  • Same experience for me. Content quality matters, links from traffic sites help indexing and blog comments are an excellent tool. No matter if the comments are deleted once the link has been indexed. So, most of my Scrapebox work is on finding relevant blogs and then use SER to post comments on these. Not the generic ones out of the box, but specific comments related to the post topic itself. This improves chances of the comment being published a lot, OpenAI is our friend.

    I also stumbled upon a "study" (on BHW) comparing 7 services and recommending one is nothing but a sales thread for a specific indexing service, just look into the footer of the post ;)
  • cherubcherub
    Grio43 said:
    One index service that I used that works gets the content index by doing the follow. 

    On a wordpress news site with traffic. They will publish an article and in the comments section provide a bunch of OBL. I'm not sure if they use google index api on those pages to get it done fast or not. 

    In a few days they will purge the comment section. This is by no means a new method. 
    Yes, and they only use ONE site to do this. So thousands of links on the comments of one site. How big a footprint is that!?
    If this is going to be a model for indexing have at least a dozen or so sites to spread the links around...
  • Yeah and that is why I'm not recommending them. The method is poor but works for now. 
  • Same experience for me. Content quality matters, links from traffic sites help indexing and blog comments are an excellent tool. No matter if the comments are deleted once the link has been indexed. So, most of my Scrapebox work is on finding relevant blogs and then use SER to post comments on these. Not the generic ones out of the box, but specific comments related to the post topic itself. This improves chances of the comment being published a lot, OpenAI is our friend.

    I also stumbled upon a "study" (on BHW) comparing 7 services and recommending one is nothing but a sales thread for a specific indexing service, just look into the footer of the post ;)
    I just made 1k blog posts with chat gpt. All 600-800 words. Spun with cheifspinner. 

    I've started removing low quality options for my t3 backlinks such as exploits and going to focus more on content. 
  • Grio43 

    I used to love chiefspinner many years ago. Thats still being updated? And if so hows quality of output for you?

    I think alot of services use Article Forge for content and spin with Word AI but its expensive setup that way.

    I think svens suggestion was Spinrewriter, im assumming he would know since he had to test and add API's into software.

    If you just sign up and ignore the emails - eventually you can buy for 77 year or lifetime depending on whats going on.

    I persoanlly like that its simple and straightforward.

    Theres so many AI article services popping up now its hard to keep track but if your interested you can get free trial and/or 3 free AI written articles a month from ContentShake which is an app in SemRush. 

    You can add keywords and it will analyze top ten and suggest keywords/topics and write decent outline very quickly.

    Also, tells you chance off ranking for the term/s (not sure how accurate it is) but potentially nice feature to gauge by.

    Theres also some other cool apps in there that may be helpful im looking into currently trying to enhance my SER campaigns.
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