It's been a painful 4 years.
Hey all, I have am an avid student of this forum and a long time lurker of this site. I have been using GSASer for 4 years and I am at a disbelief at how terrible I am at it or I perhaps I am not being patient? I think?
My Toolbox is as follow but yet I am struggling to push keywords up in 4-6 months. This is my Ahrefs profile for ideas. Thankfully they are fairly low KD and I have been battling to keep it up my competitors have much lower profile than mine but outrank me and many other keywords

My competitors :
I own :
Gsaser Licenses : 4
Rankerx Lincenses : 2
Sitelist : GSASERlist,Asiavirtual, and couple others
Emails : Multiples from SEOSpartans and my own created catch alls, and couple gmails
Captcha : Xevil6
Ipv4 and Ipv6 : 600 from Reproxy
Dedicated Proxies From buyproxies : 100
Platform Identifier
OneHourindexing API
A few self created python scripts that post on medium and oh and my subreddits.
Ahrefs account
Over 500 Google Cloud Project Api with Json Keys
I could go on and on but you get the idea, i have tried many guidelines on here , I will not name drop because they each had brought some value to me . I have tried creating 3 Tiers structures , 5 Tiers , Single Tier, Rankerx Boost but I am barely moving the needles here.
Pleas any ideas or suggestions on what I might be missing out on?
My Toolbox is as follow but yet I am struggling to push keywords up in 4-6 months. This is my Ahrefs profile for ideas. Thankfully they are fairly low KD and I have been battling to keep it up my competitors have much lower profile than mine but outrank me and many other keywords

My competitors :

I own :
Gsaser Licenses : 4
Rankerx Lincenses : 2
Sitelist : GSASERlist,Asiavirtual, and couple others
Emails : Multiples from SEOSpartans and my own created catch alls, and couple gmails
Captcha : Xevil6
Ipv4 and Ipv6 : 600 from Reproxy
Dedicated Proxies From buyproxies : 100
Platform Identifier
OneHourindexing API
A few self created python scripts that post on medium and oh and my subreddits.
Ahrefs account
Over 500 Google Cloud Project Api with Json Keys
I could go on and on but you get the idea, i have tried many guidelines on here , I will not name drop because they each had brought some value to me . I have tried creating 3 Tiers structures , 5 Tiers , Single Tier, Rankerx Boost but I am barely moving the needles here.
Pleas any ideas or suggestions on what I might be missing out on?
The reason being is these 3rd party tools show indexed links as well as non indexed links. None of them will show you all of your T1 links either, only what they find and crawl in their database. Each dataabse for each tool will be different. Google will rank you based on indexed links only, meaning those non indexed links you see in these tools are doing absolutely zero to influence your rankings.
Your selection of tools such as GSA and rankerx is very good. I use the same tools myself and they do move rankings up. The downside with using these tools is they both rely on public sites as link sources. This means that links can die, tiers are broken quite easily. Even with google updates, links in tiers can be deindexed and dead links cleansed from the serps can cause ranking drops as well. Often happens before you can see the rank increases from the links you've built. I've no idea what system you have in place for staying on top of these issues. Personally I rely on GSA SER to automatically reverify links for me. But I also use a desktop software to store, manage and index check any tiered links I build. Very easy to check months later after links have been built to see the current indexing rate and change in link numbers due to link loss.
Most of this year, gnuboard has been the biggest source of links - had over 1000 do follow links sources with some sites having DA90+. Have seen great results from tiering these links, but my site list has now shrunk down to about 200+ do follow sites. I guess they got fed up of having their platform spammed to death by us. This means link loss and a lot of it. I suspect your site has experienced the same.
Indexing these days seems harder than ever. First thing I would check is your indexing rates of the T1 links. I suspect many are not indexed which is another reason why you're not seeing rank increases. You can hammer a T1 link with tiers as much as you like - if it's not indexed, it won't pass any link juice.
In terms of metrics, I do focus on boosting them, despite what I said above. One of my client's site that is performing has crazy high metrics - DR70, DA74 and TF40. The site is so powerful that every new post added ranks on page 1 without any additional backlinks.
But having said that, I also have sites with much lower metrics that also rank and get traffic daily - depends on niche and traffic volumes of keywords - many of these are very low competiton keywords-, so it ranks page 1 with ease. These sites are all AI generated.
I'd also recommend looking at new link sources outside gsa ser and rankerx. Looking at your ahrefs stats, your current link sources are capable of boosting your site to DR32 - which is quite low if you want to compete with other sites.
Your referring domains is 2.4k with 83k backlinks. This means you've beeen hammering the same sites over and over. No real benefit in this as you only get authority boosts from using unique domains.
What is interesting to see is that the "all time" metrics versus current metrics shows the amount of link loss your site has experienced according to Ahrefs.
To date you've made 3 million backlinks and as of right now ahrefs is picking up 83k as live links. That means you've experienced more than 2/3 link loss. Same goes for your referring domains - 10k referring domains historically versus 2.4k currenlty live. That equates to 76% link loss on referring domains lol
You are basically going round in circles replacing lost links and losing the battle against google and rankings. Just based on that anlaysis alone, I'd seriously reconsider new T1 link sources, things like PBNs and 301s would be the way to go. - these are permanent links. Or else outsourcing through fiverr, blackhatworld to gain access to more link sources.
Then move your tools such as gsa ser and rankerx on to T2/3 only. Or you can still use all link sources on T1, but have a system for managing the link loss and index checks.
Back in the day I would build each tier separately, store the links in backlink mointor and only build links to do follow links that were minimum 30 days old. I still do this but only with rankerx links and other outsourced links from fiverr. The gsa ser links run on full auto with 3 tiers, reverifying links every 24 hours.
I'm transitioning my T1 links over to PBNs and 301 domains. Lengthy and expensive process, but the best approach for permanent rankings.
"Your selection of tools such as GSA and rankerx is very good. I use the same tools myself and they do move rankings up. The downside with using these tools is they both rely on public sites as link sources. This means that links can die, tiers are broken quite easily. Even with google updates, links in tiers can be deindexed and dead links cleansed from the serps can cause ranking drops as well. Often happens before you can see the rank increases from the links you've built. I've no idea what system you have in place for staying on top of these issues. Personally I rely on GSA SER to automatically reverify links for me. But I also use a desktop software to store, manage and index check any tiered links I build. Very easy to check months later after links have been built to see the current indexing rate and change in link numbers due to link loss."
I've also switched to running my installs with the built in scheduler using default settings of 10 running projects simultaneously, switching to other projects every 30 minutes. This uses way less memory and cpu and definitely more stable than running 100-300 projects at the same time. My installs can run for weeks without me having to touch them at all.
These wordpress sites are the way to go. But they will need the homepage boosted with tiered links to make the inner page links have any value at all. Plus the inner pages will need tiering as well. With the indexing api, you'll have 100% indexing rate on those, so perfect link source to use in any tier.
Defintiely host the pbns on different ips. Will need separate hosting for that but there are a couple of really good ones that offer static ips for $1 each or less per month. (seekahost and So not that expensive for a network of 50-100 pbns.
It's not enough to rely on just gsa ser and rankerx. There just aren't enough link sources between them that are do follow with good indexing rates to rely on them for rankings. They're still very good though at powering up other links such as your T1 pbns or web 2.0s, videos and high DA parasites.
Going down the PBN route and 301 route, you literally can have an unlimited number of link sources, depending on your monthly budget.
I am thinking that building PBNs might be the better investment for me in the long term. I looked at the services that Seekahost offers and it looks like they have multiple packages that I could benefit from.
I am thinking of ordering 10 of them to start, but some quick concerns come like how does one manage 10 wordpress sites? let alone post to 10 wordpress site constantly. I can understand the linking building part process but for these PBNs do they key metrics I should be concerned about? are the PBN domain best if expired?
There are 2 routes you could go with the PBN domains.
Buying expired domains is expensive, but can give instant link juice if it has links from high authority sites. Finding domains with good metrics and also similar to the niche you're already in is going to be tough. Even a DA50 site could cost you hundreds or even thousands.
Personally, I stick with brand new domains and build up the metrics myself. I have the tools and link sources to power up the domains, and so do you lol
DR, DA and TF is what I focus on and this I outsource to fiverr. Plenty of sellers that can do this for you for cheap. But I wouldn't just rely on the fiverr gigs, use your gsa and rankerx to boost as well.
Managing even 10 of them is gonna take some work. Depends on how high quality you want to go for. You could auto post with rankerx or gsa, but I go for really high quality - thinking for the long term here. For now I do it all manually using Ai to generate the content - long form content 2000 - 8000 words with lots of H2's and H3's, bullet and/or numbered formatting. I could do 1 post in 10 minutes or less, so it doesn't take that long.
Setting up each PBN I've got zennoposter programmed to do all the steps I normally would, installing plugins and activating them, deleting unused themes, setting permalinks structure etc. I could use zennoposter to automate the posting too, but I don't have a good AI content source that's ready to post without manual editing/proof reading first. Hence why I do that bit by hand still.
You only need to do 1 post per PBN to each url on your money site/landing page. I've got hosting set up for 550 pbns at the moment and I just pick a domain at random to make a new T1 link. Then use backlink monitor to store and manage the links. Makes it easy to grab them when I want to throw some rankerx links or gsa links at them. There is no rush to populate the PBNs with hundreds of posts. Although there are AI tools out there for auto blogging that you could take a look at.
It's a lot of work but it prevents the "going round in circles". Over time the PBNs will just get more and more powerful as you post more content and build more tiers, especially with the internal linking that wordpress has. I started building my PBNs at the beginning of the year and started with 50 brand new domains and I'm still workng on making the network bigger and more powerful. These are all DA50+, DR50+ and TF30+ at the moment.
You can also set up automation with gsa ser exporting links from a set of campaigns to a txt file. Then set backlink mointor to run scheduled link checks and have it auto import the gsa ser links from the txt file. Very nice system.
I don't set any limits on the number of links that are built. This just delays the results. The quicker you build the links and get them indexed, the quicker you'll see rank increases. If you can build and index the tiered links in days, then you can rank in days.
Check the box "Automatically export verified urls" and follow on scrreen prompts. This sends links to a text file. Then use backlink monitor to import those links on a schedule for link checking.