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SEO is dead (again)

Long time no see but I've just came across this stuff and I thought it's high time for a "SEO is dead" post.

Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee


  • SvenSven
    Read about it but not really saying it's directly connected to SEO. Negative SEO is the same shit though.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • SEO will never be "dead" - the landscape and methods just change as they always have.

    The only thing I see has really changed is ranking purely on number of backlinks, not taking into consideration quality or anchor text.

    Maybe more ads in organic serps and changes to map local rankings. 

    This is stuff you should find in step #1 of keyword research though.

    @Sven has provided another awesome tool for the step as well =

    So really just the "easy button" was taking away and that was a long time ago!
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • it doesn't dead for me.. but lately google sucks... i own some specific niches with no content to specific word. but still google pushing the old government site without any value. well, no single content for that and it still searches by 500 - 1000 users per month.  i am on the top 10 ofc but not to p 3 o 5 GOOGLE SUCKS! but SEO not dead
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • SvenSven
    Oh yes that GSA Keyword Research tool is indeed a great tool for OnPage SEO. Noone seems to have recognised it at all. The full competitor research is giving you tons of hints and opportunities to improve your SEO.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • Sven said:
    Read about it but not really saying it's directly connected to SEO. Negative SEO is the same shit though.

    Yep, it's still manipulating the algorithm for your gains. Of course this isn't the nicest of techniques but SEO was never really about being nice.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • @Sven   Yes , "keyword researcher" customers do not be fooled as it does a lot more than keyword research!

    You have made a better/replacement for "Market Samurai" which no longer works.

    I used to love the way Market Samurai would tell you with a keyword if in the Serps the keyword was in "title" in "description" in "URL" in  "H1" etc which really shows you if website are actually optimized for that keyword. 

    So you get "real" competition not just some generic "score" of adwords data or number of results as example.

    You can find easy opportunities competition wise with your tool.

    I dont believe other keyword tools do this or at least not well.

    But I did see your keyword tool did these things and much much more!

    Im going to have to give another look at tool as there were so many features I probably didnt even know about when I tested it breifly.

    I going to have to give it another go and purchase a license (well worth price) when I finally get my SER server up and running correctly.

    Getting back into how-to video tutorials so maybe I will start using your keyword researcher for these types projects.

    Have any customers made videos on this yet?

    Just to throw it out there I'd happilly make promo and how-to videos in exchange for a license but either way it's on my list :)

    And your right, people need to be aware of this, I dont even want to called it a keyword research tool as it is way more than that and it's one time payment too!

    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions

    The statement "SEO is dead" is often a topic of debate among digital marketing professionals. However, this statement might be misleading for users of automated SEO tools like GSA Search Engine Ranker and other GSA tools. Here's a detailed breakdown:

    1. Evolution of SEO: SEO  has evolved significantly. The algorithms used by search engines like Google are continuously updated to provide the best user experience. This evolution means old tactics, especially those focusing on keyword stuffing or low-quality link building, are no longer effective. However, this does not mean that SEO is dead; it just means that the strategies must be updated.

    2. Importance of Quality Content: Modern SEO emphasizes high-quality content that genuinely provides value to the user. Search engines are now more adept at understanding the context and relevance of content. Automated tools can assist in optimizing this content for search engines, but they cannot replace the need for original, high-quality content.

    3. Role of Automated Tools: Tools like GSA Search Engine Ranker can be valuable in managing some aspects of SEO, such as backlink creation, monitoring rankings, and optimizing on-page elements. However, their effectiveness depends on how they are used. Misuse or over-reliance on automation, especially for link building, can lead to penalties from search engines. And this is where most (not all )  GSA SER users suck because they are so caught up with high LPMs and VPMs that they get caught in the spam at the speed of light mentality, ignoring Google link velocity and spam penalties. 

    4. Adherence to Best Practices: It’s crucial to adhere to SEO best practices. This includes creating user-friendly websites, ensuring mobile responsiveness, focusing on local SEO (if relevant), and keeping abreast of the latest search engine guidelines. Automated tools should be used to complement these practices, not replace them.

    5. Understanding Algorithm Updates: Search engines frequently update their algorithms. Staying informed about these changes is vital. Users of automated SEO tools must ensure that their tools are updated in line with these changes to avoid employing outdated or penalized tactics. Here you can see all the  Google updates for the past couple of years:  updates  - Notice how many spam updates there were already.

    6. Long-Term Strategy: SEO is a long-term strategy. It requires consistent effort and adaptation to changing trends and algorithms. While automated tools can assist in this process, a comprehensive understanding of SEO principles is essential for lasting success.

    7. Integration with Other Digital Marketing Practices: SEO should not be viewed in isolation. It often works best when integrated with other digital marketing practices like social media marketing, content marketing, and PPC advertising. Automated tools can help streamline some of these integrations.

    Overall, SEO is not dead, but it has evolved. Users of automated SEO tools like GSA Search Engine Ranker must adapt to these changes by focusing on quality content, adhering to best practices, and using automation to enhance, not replace their SEO strategies. Continuous learning and adaptation to the dynamic digital landscape are essential to successful SEO in the current era.

    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • SvenSven
    @backlinkaddict you are right, that product page is very outdated. The skin changed and a tons of features have been added. And the good thing with this tool is, it never grows old. You can always add your own SEO values to an ini file and it compares things against competitors and even tells you if this is important or not relevant to SEO based on the top10 analysis.
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • @Sven Yes , I noticed and love that about your tools they are "evergreen" updated frequently and users can "tweak" settings however they like from easy to super advanced.

    And that's not mentioning price or one time payment!

    I have to admit at first I underestimated even SER simpy judging by GUI which is not great indicator of performance anyways.

    Some of the over promoted "fancy" looking stuff over the years came and went but GSA tools are still a powerhouse today!!!!

    And I think many SEO's don't admit to but use SER in some part of their strategy
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • google is a waste of time, yahoo and the others work fine. 
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • willige123az 

    I agree goagle is not easy to do a lot of things on these days.

    But how is it waste of time?

    For example, yes you can scrape links on yohoo for urls or keywords way easier, but if urls are not indexed in Goagle then your wasting your time as far as passing any authority anyways right? (organically)

    And for local clients/rankings, you will need to still access maps and find competitor citations that are indexed in specifc search engine no?

    Maybe im missing the "scope" of what you mean, can you provide some more context?
    Thanked by 1torseo
  • willige123az 

    I agree goagle is not easy to do a lot of things on these days.

    But how is it waste of time?

    For example, yes you can scrape links on yohoo for urls or keywords way easier, but if urls are not indexed in Goagle then your wasting your time as far as passing any authority anyways right? (organically)

    And for local clients/rankings, you will need to still access maps and find competitor citations that are indexed in specifc search engine no?

    Maybe im missing the "scope" of what you mean, can you provide some more context?

    I guess he meant not scraping on yahoo.. just focus on yahoo traffic  :??   conf:neutral:
  • APOBLower IDK either I think sometimes users regurgitate things they heard in other forums and it makes no sesnse without any "context" or how it relates to SEO and SER in general without providing examples or reasons why . . .
  • SEO will never be "dead" - the landscape and methods just change as they always have.

    The only thing I see has really changed is ranking purely on number of backlinks, not taking into consideration quality or anchor text.

    Maybe more ads in organic serps and changes to map local rankings. 

    This is stuff you should find in step #1 of keyword research though.

    @Sven has provided another awesome tool for the step as well =

    So really just the "easy button" was taking away and that was a long time ago!

    I'm afraid that in the long run,SEO will be almost dead , and most webs will dissapeae. People will use instead IA powered platforms
  • Im afraid maybe you may be spending to much time "researching" (which im not saying is a bad thing) rather then taking action towards goals "right now." 

    I fell into that trap too long ago but if all your time is spent reading reviews/tools or new things (shiny object syndrome) and not building "digital assets" used for lead gen, or gettting paying clients more visitors, or for affiliate marketing or CPA, or launch Jacking,  for example, IDK pick your poison, take consistant action towards it (stop paying attention to the nonsense) and you may look back a year from now feeling much better.

    No, you will not fire up SER on default settings, blast a property and rank it organically for a search term that is commercial with decent searches or unless your niche is something noone looks for like  "underwater basket weaving".

    That being said . . . 

    -SER goal for most is to create/index backlinks that will benefit your project and most likely only part of a larger strategy.

    - Yes, organic area has been shrinking for years, maps packs from 7 (the 7 pack) to 3 (snack pack), more ads being tested and sometimes taking over the page, updates rolling out, generative search coming into play (i think this is what you mean by AI?
      ..etc things change and and we must adapt. Always been the case though.

    - This is why its good to have some test projects some "controls" and monitor your efforts and compare so you know "whats working"

    - Also getting rankings and converting traffic is 2 very different things (marketing and sales) It's not a if you rank it they will come and you will be rich sort on thing. The page ranking  that users land on (landing page) must match search intention and be well strutured for a conversion.

    - Theres lots of opinions floating around, you know what they say about opinions? They are like Aholes ---> everyones got one! This does not make them true and from what I have seen anytime someone repeats and opinion likely taking from a biased sales thread on some other forum or from very old content, if someone challeneges it or asks a question, no reply it become so quite you can here crickets if you listen.

    There is even SEO to a degree in the ads networks and bidding and placement startegies there so unless advertising cesses to exist (not a possibility), I think there will always be some things to do as digital marketers and a GSA tool that will help make at least part of it much much easier to do!

    In addition people are cranking out content at 100x or more speed so with AI still being in its infancy its going to take search bots 100x and more to go through all the "new" content. This will probably uses alot more resources (time and money) to complete crawling and slow indexing process down even more as well as other things  ;)

    -Just an Ahole, I mean opinion sry. . .
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
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