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How do I know when my keyword list is all played out?

edited April 2013 in Need Help
So a while back I loaded about 90k keywords into each of my Tier 1 projects. How do I figure out when that list is played out and I need to fire up Scrapebox and get some more?


  • Two things...

    1.) It is best not to use the same keyword list in multiple projects (if that is what you are doing). Each project will then be doing the same searches (platform + keyword). This is redundant work for SER to be doing and will just return sites that SER has already parsed. It is better to split the list up across your projects so that each is working on unique keywords.
    2.) If your keyword list is "played out", your submit rate will drop and you will get a lot of "...already parsed..." messages showing in your log.
  • ronron
    +1 @DavidA2 Great answer.
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