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GSA Email Issue "Now parsing, please wait..."

mooningwebsitesmooningwebsites Austria
edited September 2023 in Need Help
Iam currently running into an issue with Email Verification. Always when it finds Emails it doesnt feel like its clicking on them to verify the email. If i check the inbox it indeed opens the email but i dont think its actually verifying the email by clicking the link in it. Any ideas how to fix that. Iam using my own catchall emails running on my own server on plesk. So i see that emails are openned but if click on my own on the verify link it gets verified but after clicking a second time it says verification already done so GSA hasnt clicked on the link before.

18:10:58: [ ] Verifying links...
18:10:58: [ ] Checking E-Mail * for links (1 verifications waiting)...
18:10:58: [ ] Parsing 42 E-Mails...
18:10:59: [-] POP3 check finished.
18:10:59: [+] Found Data for 1 URL. Now parsing, please wait...

And it gets stuck here.


  • SvenSven
    is the project actually logging in and trying to submit? Whats after that last log line?
  • After that it trys to login to that account and it says failed after verify. but if i check the mails myself i see that it read the mail but never clicks the verify button. So if i click myself verify it says account verified. And if i click it the second time it says account already verified so it actually opens the mail but never clicks on any verify buttons.
  • SvenSven
    please paste the full lines...I think it never tried to login because that engine might just use the link later on when trying to submit. That can be delayed according to your setup.
  • AliTabAliTab
    edited September 2023
    This issue was related to SERlib, and the problem was that the Windows language was not set to English, causing SERlib to be unable to find texts on the output in the Chrome instance. The new SERlib update, available in the latest SER v17.25, will fix this.
  • AliTab said:
    This issue was related to SERlib, and the problem was that the Windows language was not set to English, causing SERlib to be unable to find texts on the output in the Chrome instance. The new SERlib update, available in the latest SER v17.25, will fix this.
    Is there a way to remove all SERlib stuff and run a clean instance of SER? I'd been testing it but not using it anymore.
  • AliTabAliTab
    Is there a way to remove all SERlib stuff and run a clean instance of SER? I'd been testing it but not using it anymore.

    Yes. SERlib files are stored in %appdata%\GSA Search Engine Ranker\SERLib
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