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Wiki platforms not verifying articles

edited April 2013 in Need Help
I own WikiRobot (great software) and I made 3 tests of 525 wiki links and got around 480-500 verified articles on each test. I then made the same 3 tests on GSA (the platforms of my wiki links are available in GSA) and it SUBMITTED to 500ish websites, but when it came to the verifying it only got 240ish. I believe that GSA can compete with WikiRobot (and any other wiki bot) very easily if it can simply verify the links more accurately.

Same thing goes with article links. The verification process just doesn't cut it most of the time :(

Could someone point me to where and how it verifies links in the MediaWiki (or any of the wikis) Engine file? I understand all the steps of creating my own platform except the verifying part -- which is the part that needs to be changed :(. If those 500 submitted articles all got verified, which most always do if they get posted successfully, that would make GSA better than WikiRobot.

Thanks a bunch! (I hope this is the right section)


  • I think there is something wrong with the MediaWiki script, because in my verified urls of one project I see old verified urls from an old project (I used the verified urls from the global list) that have the same title but the content got updated, so the new project edited that page, removing the previous link and placing a new one. This shows that the url to verify is then again the old one, so maybe the MediaWiki script isn't verifying the right url eigther.

    I haven't tested this enough, so I might be wrong, I'm just exposing what I found so far.
  • SvenSven
    @kane yes must be somethign else...the program can not mix data between projects.
  • BlazingSEOBlazingSEO
    @kaene - So you are having the same issue as well? MediaWiki Engine does a fine job at Submitting the articles, but when it comes to the verification it's messing up somewhere?
  • SvenSven
    Working for me. But if you can deliver a sample, I can fix it.
  • BlazingSEOBlazingSEO
    @Sven - because you have nothing to compare against. Like I mentioned in the OP, when I run WikiRobot ( with the same list I run GSA with (all MediaWiki articles), I get 480 verified articles... with GSA I get in the 200s. Maybe WikiRobot does a different way of verifying (like logging into the account and grabbing the article directly from the account), but whatever it is, it gets nearly twice as many results as GSA :/.
  • SvenSven
    Well than deliver something to compare? Take a verified URL from your wikirobot and try to run it in GSA SER to see if it produces a link. If not, send it to me and I debug it.
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