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Is it necessary to create a rule to move the spam to the inbox in gsa ser?

as title, is it necessary to create a rule to move the spam to the inbox now  in gsa ser?


  • Jeffrey64Jeffrey64 new york
    edited July 2023

    If you are referring to managing emails in an email account, including filtering spam messages, that would typically be handled by your email service provider or email client (such as Gmail, Outlook, etc.), not GSA SER.

    To manage spam messages in your email account, you can set up filters or rules within your email service or client. These filters can automatically move messages that meet certain criteria (such as containing specific keywords or coming from certain senders) to the spam folder or the inbox, depending on your preferences.

    If you have specific questions about GSA SER or email management, Pay My Doctor please provide more details, and I'll do my best to assist you further. 

  • rastarrrastarr Thailand
    bix88 said:
    as title, is it necessary to create a rule to move the spam to the inbox now  in gsa ser?
    Not at all.
    This option is more than enough to keep things under control. Adjust to taste

  • rastarrrastarr Thailand
    oops sorry, i thought this was for GSA SER
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