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Question for Sven

Sorry, I do not know which section to post this in and didn't want to spam your email. I will ask here and if acceptable, will go with your guidance.

So basically, as you might have guessed, I have done quite well out of using GSA SER. I think the biggest things that helped were me realizing:
1.) Not to listen to experts (The same idiots claiming GSA doesn't work are selling link building services using GSA ffs!) LOL.
2.) To maximize the benefit of GSA. You need to get the links created in front of search engine spiders. I have found a free way to do and have helped the community by releasing it here on the forum. I hope they can benefit from it as much as I have.
3.) PBNs still do work, if they have links from authority domains. I have done this recently with sites linked to by Forbes, CNN and the BBC and I saw results within two weeks. Good results, like taking ranks from 50+ to top 10 in google for quite a few terms. I bought the domains and put Wordpress on them and auto generated content linking to my money site for this to happen.

On point 3, I have written a simple script that does the following:
1.) Scrapes a historic given domain to find all outbound links and makes a note of them.
2.) Then removes duplicate domains.
3.) Then checks which domains are expired and makes a note of them. 
4.) Checks metrics on these domains. (This part I wish to work on further as it uses a paid SEMRush account and I want to find opensource work arounds or ideas (e.g. Social signals) without exploiting free trials, which I see as fraud).

Anyway let me stop wanting your time and get to the point:
I have found if you do something yourself, its often better than relying on a third party that charges extortionate fees for a service that doesn't even deliver. I want to give that same power again back to the friendly users of GSA SER. With your permission, can I release the code for the script on this forum, like I did in my other thread?
Thanked by 2Anonymous sven7


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