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how many articles are enough

Hi everyone.
I have a question: how many articles are enough for each project created? I inserted, for each project, from 500 to 5000 articles. But I'm not sure I did it right.
Please can someone tell me how many items are enough. Or is it better to have lots of articles? Thank you


  • cherubcherub
    I wouldn't say there's a set number, it depends on what you're using your links for. For example if you're using a highly filtered list and want to build directly to a money site you might prefer one unique article per link. Others may be less picky and have 1 spun article per 500 links built, or more. It's something you'll need to determine for yourself with your own personal standards.
    Thanked by 1verdemuschio
  • cherub said:
    I wouldn't say there's a set number, it depends on what you're using your links for. For example if you're using a highly filtered list and want to build directly to a money site you might prefer one unique article per link. Others may be less picky and have 1 spun article per 500 links built, or more. It's something you'll need to determine for yourself with your own personal standards.

    so is it preferable to have a number of articles equal to the number of links? For example, if I have a site with 126 pages, is it better to have 126 articles? Or is it also okay to have many more articles that exceed the number of pages?
  • cherubcherub
    It's very much a 'it depends' sort of question, as with most SEO stuff.

    Are you happy with spun articles pointing to the site you're promoting? If so then 1 spun article can be used hundreds of times, you could use 1 spun article per 100/200/500 links you're planning for. If you'd prefer a unique article for each of your links, then you're going to have to put 1 unique article for each link SER will be building. I can't really give a specific answer as it will depend solely on what you personally want for your links.
  • cherub said:
    It's very much a 'it depends' sort of question, as with most SEO stuff.

    Are you happy with spun articles pointing to the site you're promoting? If so then 1 spun article can be used hundreds of times, you could use 1 spun article per 100/200/500 links you're planning for. If you'd prefer a unique article for each of your links, then you're going to have to put 1 unique article for each link SER will be building. I can't really give a specific answer as it will depend solely on what you personally want for your links.
    So from what you write, I can also delete many articles. I thought that having lots of articles was a good thing, compared to having fewer.
    Having too many articles weighs down the opening of projects and SER more generally. Thanks for your help
  • With the amount of content generators around today, I think the use of spinning for articles is no longer a good option. You can literally generate infinite unique content with the use of various AI models, a far better option to create unique and readable content than simply spinning with WordAI or Spinrewriter.
  • Sorry I just realized I didn't answer your question. In my experience, for each link submission created, it provides the most value if you have one unique article for each. The rest is a waste of resources as it simply creates duplicate content which doesn't get indexed, so you are wasting CPU, Captcha credits and most importantly time if you do more then this.

    While you can use spinners to create unique articles, either the quality, readability or uniqueness will suffer. Much better to use AI to generate unique and readable content. If you don't want to spend a lot on OpenAI, you can use other models on huggingface.
    Thanked by 1verdemuschio
  • Thanks for the reply. Actually I created unique contents with Seo Content Machine. As you rightly pointed out, the problem is that these programs with artificial intelligence create thousands of duplicate content, only changing the title. So, thinking I was right, I had almost 6,000 articles in one project which consumed resources and time. So I deleted almost all the articles, and left only 100 of them for each project. Now the program is lighter, and I think that's okay. Thanks again
  • Thanks for the reply. Actually I created unique contents with Seo Content Machine. As you rightly pointed out, the problem is that these programs with artificial intelligence create thousands of duplicate content, only changing the title. So, thinking I was right, I had almost 6,000 articles in one project which consumed resources and time. So I deleted almost all the articles, and left only 100 of them for each project. Now the program is lighter, and I think that's okay. Thanks again
    SEO Content Machine has a few methods I think. Either it scrapes search engines, spins and or combines multiple pages to get different content or the other method is that is uses OpenAI's davincci model to generate text.

    If doing the first, the benefit is not as good as it used to be. AI content generation has put the former method of content generation at a huge disadvantage. Its just far superior in quality and readbility. If you are using the second, I suggest you subscribe directly to OpenAI and save money by cutting out:
    1.) SCM's month fee.
    2.) The markup they charge in AI credits.

    Sven has built OpenAI directly into GSA SER so you can use it easily.

    Alternatively a few lines of python can easily generate countless articles for you via OpenAI's API in just less than 20 lines of code.
  • SvenSven
    Since this is a GSA related forum, I also would like to mention GSA Content Generator which is able to build content on many things (including OpenAI).
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