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Recursive mode : save all created urls

edited June 2023 in GSA URL Redirect PRO
How to recover all the urls created when using recursive mode in GSA Url Redirect Pro?
I can only save the last level (for a single link) and I would like all links.


  • SvenSven
    hmm, it is only possible when using the "create report" from the batch-mode-dialog. Though I see there is some kind of need for this to be left in the list without clearing it and I will update it.
  • SvenSven
    latest update should fix this.
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    I haven't tried it yet but thanks. In this regard, I should perhaps create a new subject, it could be interesting to test the levels created one after the other (option) because I had followed some links and it happens that the link is not operational. At least on the first level.
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