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Random anchors lead to the main.

Hello! I'm sorry to write again, there is probably such a topic already, but I can't find it, because I don't know English very well. I am writing through the translator. I uploaded links with anchors like this:
But sometimes the program ignores the url to the anchor and adds the anchor to the main page. Please help me to disable it. I main page has its own anchors:
(I added them to the list, too.)

but I have it like this:
anchor777 =>

I need to use an anchor to the page I specified in the list:
anchor777 =>

My list already has manually added anchors that lead to the home page. How do I disable the forced links to the home page from my other anchors? 
I hope I explained it clearly)


  • SvenSven
    some sites simply do not make use of your anchor but use there own. Same for the URL, sometimes it is just the root one.
    You can disable this by right click on the platform selection-<disable engines not using anchor text.
    Also make sure you disable the options below the anchor text input to e.g. use the root URL or alike.
  • SkanavySkanavy DE
    edited June 2023
    I disabled a feature that could probably create anchors to the home page, ignoring the list, but I ran into another problem. I found that the program was creating anchors to other pages. 

    Here, for example,

    even though there is only 1 option in my list for the anchor777 page, the anchor for which is listed as anchor777:

    Roughly speaking, the anchor with the word "panties" the program adds to the url where bread is sold. 

    How do you turn off this randomness?)

  • SvenSven
    please send the project backup in private message.
  • SvenSven
    I got your backup and checked things now. That file you load with a macro holding the URLs has usually both in it...ones the URL alone and then also URL#Anchor. SER sometimes simply uses the other one without the anchor attached and will then use a random one.
  • Введите свой комментарийSven said:
    I got your backup and checked things now. That file you load with a macro holding the URLs has usually both in it...ones the URL alone and then also URL#Anchor. SER sometimes simply uses the other one without the anchor attached and will then use a random one.
    Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort. Wenn ich nur Links mit Ankern hinzufüge, wie kann ich die Software dazu bringen, Links ohne Anker auf dieselbe Weise zu platzieren? Soweit ich weiß, sollte das Verhältnis 20%-80% betragen. Korrigieren Sie mich, wenn ich falsch liege. Ich danke Ihnen.
  • SvenSven
    1. Add just data in the format: URL#Anchor and remove the ones without anchor
    2. apply the % for LSI, branding,url anchor as you want.
    When the % is used, then the anchors get used that you defined, else the one attached to the url.
  • Sven said:
    2. apply the % for LSI, branding,url anchor as you want.
    When the % is used, then the anchors get used that you defined, else the one attached to the url.

    wenn Sie mir ein Beispiel zeigen, wird mir das helfen. Ich verstehe einfach nicht, was ich mit dem %-Zeichen machen soll. 
  • SvenSven
    In your screenshot above you have under the anchor text field different % values. Thats will be used and the URL attached anchor is ignore then.
  • senz578senz578 singapore
    i got same problem, dofollow anchor text always main domain (https://********.com), then when no follow its use keyword anchor text
    can give me a solution ??
  • SkanavySkanavy DE
    edited June 2023
    Within the same project you can not create links anchor and unsanchored, which will correspond to the intended purpose.

    Within the same project, the values will be mixed. So I created two projects with url of the following kind:
    Anchor project = (anchor)
    Project without anchors = (unsanchored)

    Note that in a project without anchors, I have hardwired each URL to its own URL. 

    If there is a simpler solution, it would be great to try it.

    Sven, any ideas? 

    In addition, through the two projects is easier to control the ratio of anchor and unanchored links. so that 20% to 80%. 

  • SvenSven
    just use the macro %url% in the anchor field.
  • senz578senz578 singapore
    Sven said:
    just use the macro %url% in the anchor field.

    this doesnt answer my question
  • SvenSven
    But it answers @Skanavy 's question.
    Your observation might just be a bad luck...there is no such thing like anchors with urls = dofollow and the rest not!?
  • Sven said:
    But it answers @Skanavy 's question.

    I still don't understand what I need to do with %url%. What is it and where should I put it? Please send me a screenshot for an example. 
  • SvenSven
    %url% is a macro and when used int he "Main Anchor" input field, will use the URL as anchor.
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